Can’t remember if I posted a finished pic so here’s another:
Aloha All,
Calling this one done. Bandai 1/72 scale X-Wing Fighter rendered in a USAAC interwar paint scheme.
IMG_6807 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6808 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6809 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6810 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6811 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6812 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6813 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6814 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
IMG_6815 by Zon Sullenberger, on Flickr
I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out, but it was a fight every step of the way.
Thank you Jesper for another great campaign and hoping you do another one for 2025 as I already have my subject.
Happy Modeling and Happy New Year to everyone!
Aloha Tamas,
I wouldn’t worry about the official end date being extended. From past experience, Jesper has opportunity to accept later finishes, where officially changing the date is more complicated and involves some of the site managers. As Jesper already agreed to allow you to continue working I would encourage you to keep at it, as your effort won’t be wasted.
Happy Modeling and looking forward to seeing your completed Speeder.
AHA! An opponent for my First Order TIE prototype test vehicle!
Come see what the engineers at Sienar have been up to lately!
This X-wing in that USAAC scheme looks gorgeous! Congrats!
Bring it on! The TIE Fighters looks great! Much more fun than Star Wars grey!
Thank you Tamas!
I am officially done. The kit is ready as you can see in the photos here. It was a hard challenge but finally reached my goal: a worn, weathered, low-altitude support airplane of the future Hungarian Air Forces.
As I wrote in the very beginning, the Revell kit is no better than underperforming with many flaws My transformation into an imagined 1/35 scale model was also a huge job.
Although I see some issues, I am satisfied with the result.
Happy New Year and Lovely New Kits for 2025 for all!
Tamas, your speeder looks fantastic! Nice job on the weathering and the conversion to 1/35th is awesome. It seems to really work at that scale.
Happy New Year!
Blake 7. I like it
Thank you very much Zonarch!
I really like this speeder. Great finish on the camo and fantastic work on the 35th scale changes. And the decals really make it. The Hungarian flag coloured triangles on the wings remind me of Alitalia sponsored rally cars!
Hi Iwatajim,
Thank you very much for your kind feedback. The triangles are the official HAF markings, can be seen on field vehicles, too. I have used a Hungarian Air Force annyversary Aero L-39 kit decal set from HAD Models to decorate the speeder.
One week more is very good , i will be back at home at the Weekend to make some final pix …
All your builds look very good !
Great work! As noted it is fine with an extra week, so Zon and Tamas you are good with your finishes
I will give it another for anybody to post final pictures if they have not already.
Then I will post a list of finishers. If you do not see your name, let me know.
Following that I will submit the list to the administrator
More to follow
I noticed Killnozier posted what appears to be his final photos in last years Sci-Fi thread.
Thank you very much
Too much trouble here, so i make the mistake …
Here are the final pics of my “Pharao Echnaton"s Rocket Fighter” , build around 1340 b.C.
Scale is 1:72.
There is a radar pod on the front right and the incredible"sun ray gun" placed in the pod at the underside…
Looks awesome!
Congratulations to the Pharao’s Rocket Fighter, really nice job!
I hope Echnaton could fly to the Gods with it, well before self-made expediters stole everything found in his tomb.
Hi All
I have noted the following as finishers for this campaign:
Plus the people mentioned in the next. (Only 10 people can be tagged pr. Post)
If you finished an entry for this campaign and I missed you in the list please let me know.
I will allow two weeks for any I missed in the list to speak up and afterwards submit for medals to administrators.
Thanks to all who participated! Hope to see you in many more campaigns in 2025 - especially in Sci-Fi and alternative history XI. Incredible we are on the eleventh season now!