Sci-Fi and Alternative history XI

Group Build Title: Sci-Fi and Alternative History XI

Group Build Leader(s): @SGTJKJ

Group Build Description: This campaign covers everything that is in the Sci-Fi universe or the alternative history.

This could be anything from Star Wars, Star Trek, or any other Sci-Fi franchise.

Alternative history subjects are also included. So all your “what-if” ideas belong here as well. For example panzer 1946 or luftwaffe 1946 ideas. All alternative history for all historical periods are included.

Any scale or medium is allowed.

Remember to post a starting picture.

Kits cannot be more than 25% finished unless they are unfinished projects from the previous 10 versions of this campaign.

(Remember to click “Going” if you want to join the build!)

Completion Award: I Will try to get several designs up for a vote like last year.

A Note about Awards: Entries are only allowed to be entered into one campaign. Is in doubt just ask :slightly_smiling_face:


Could not find the “going button” :face_with_monocle: .
It is always a bit difficult with me :laughing:

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Well, I could always try again.
I still have the Maschinenkrieger & Imperial Knight Warden from 2 or 3 campaigns ago, if memory serves me right.


Well, this time it was actually me that could not set it up right, so Michael helped me out. Now you can join via the “going” button :slightly_smiling_face:

Ron, both would clearly qualify and previous projects qualify regardless of %-level of finishing.

So hope to see you join the 2025 version :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s becoming a tradition of mine to enter and finish this annual Sci-Fi campaign so I’m in. :smiley:


i got some star trek kit for xmas so i will enter one of those.


I am so happy having this campaign started as I have two subjects to choose from.
One of them is the speederbike (with another twist as I did with the Snowspeeder), however this kit has been started a bit some months ago (and put on hold due to campaigns to complete).
I will make some photos about it and share if eligible.
If not, than I have a scratchbuilt model idea using some household waste and evergreen plastics.



Great that you are up for another season, guys! :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


I hope to be back building by the end of March. I’m on constant site visits for work until mid March.


Me too, although my pain ends this month at work. Accreditation survey this week and a site visit at the end of the month. Not sure what I’ll build-too many choices, but not enough time. Maybe I will take something with me when traveling.


Dixon and Lakota, great to have you back for the new season. :raised_hands:t2:

We got 12 months so plenty of time to finish something :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, hey. How about…I don’t know…a Guided Missile Frigate?

Hard to believe it’s been 7 months since last working on this thing.

Anyway, it will be this or some other glueball of spare parts.


I would take part with Revell’s “Galactica”. I bought the kit in this condition a few years ago. Unfortunately I don’t know if it’s actually complete.


In the worst case you can add some scratchbuilt parts to the kit, resulting a real custom build.
I guess just a handful of fans have seen this spacecradt model in full - no chance to fail :slight_smile:


I’m going to say maybe at the moment.
I’m already committed to a few campaigns already this year, so depends if I have a few minutes here and there.
I didn’t manage to complete the last couple of campaigns.

Not sure what I’ll do, but probably something simple and easy.


I am in. Most likely a Star Wars A-Wing fighter as something else. Or a Gundam.

Happy Modeling,


Looking forward to this campaign. Not sure what I’m going to do yet. I’m currently rewatching the later BSG so that’s pulling me, but then I also recently watched Aliens.




Good choices. We don’t see enough models from the Alien series. But, we haven’t had any kits for over 30 years! Whatever did happen to the Halcyon moulds?

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It’s a shame no one was able to get those molds and reissue them. That said, they are fairly basic compared to kits today, but that just means lots of opportunities for scratch-building. If I do choose the APC I’ll probably do some mods.

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