Sci-Fi & What If VII Campaign

I’m here…I haven’t started anything yet except take the box photo. I know I need to get started. :grin:

Does this new Forum come with its own Gallery, or do we post photos on the old ModelGeek site?

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I’m pretty sure this new site doesn’t have gallery’s @Trisaw , you just post straight into the thread. If you start and finish before the old site is archived you could post completed pics in that gallery, if not they will have to go here and Jesper said he will keep a track of finished builds that way. Hope that helps. John


Yes, I can keep track in this tread and the gallery. So I will track and assign ribbons if possible.

The whole ribbon issue is a bit up in the air at the moment, but as I understand Jim is working on it.

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I have finished my Tie fighters. The venerable AMT/ERTL models in 1/48 scale.

I had some problems with weathering, but overall quite satisfied.

One Tie is finished as a standard Tie and the other as the Tie captured by Sabine Wren and painted for incursion on an imperial ship.



those tie fighters look amazing

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Brilliant job on the Ties Jesper, they both look superb. Very well done.

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Very nice. I have been slowly working to light one of mine.

What did you do to the cannon tips?

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Thanks for the comments, guys. Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

For the Cannon tips I simply painted them a very bright light green, followed by a wash, finally highlighted the tip in the same strong bright light green.

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Excellent TIEs, Jesper…something unique and original! :+1:

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Thanks, Trisaw. Great to see you on the new site :+1:t2:

Hello fellow modelers,
I just saw that I posted in the old forum. Sorry for this. Can I copy this post forward to the new forum?

Jesper: TIEs look really great! Congratulation.

Great work on the TIE’s Jesper, congratulations on finishing.

Thanks for the comments, guys!

Oliver, you can just copy paste your post from the old forum in here. :slight_smile:

Thank You Jesper!
I will give it a try.

I found some new kit called “Panzerwerkstatt”. As some of my referene pics of the Horten look, as if they were taken in some garage, I wanted to make a small dio of it. So, here we go:


that dio looks fantastic, if you made the black and white pictures more of a sepia colour, then you could fool the tin foil hat brigade into believing it was the real deal

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Beautiful work on this Antilles! I agree with KA about a sepia tonal copy, it would look fantastic.

That is a great backdrop for the Horten, where did you get hold of it Oliver.

Thank you very much for the comments.
Yes, I think Red Skull or Captain America would be great in this scene, too. I have to look for some figures or rebuilt some old ones.

John, I found it on the internet. It is a German page called

but the text is in German, only. Actually I built a bigger scale (1/48) for the Horten, which is 1/72. Hence, I ordered additionally the 1/72 scale. If it is suitable, I may do a small review on this topic.


Jesper and Oliver. Sensational builds guys. Real works of art.

Love the atmospheric Black and White pic.