Scimitar 2 or Warrior? -- Warrior it is

Going to try and start a new build this side of Christmas. I’m undecided as to whether I should go for a fairly straight forward build with the Scimitar 2 or the Warrior with add on’s. The Scimitar 2 will be out of box and although it has etch it’s not too in depth though some scratch will need to be done as no kit is 100%. This might give me a break from a very busy Ferret build. The Warrior will have Friul Tracks and Eduard etch, no applique armour as my plan will be for it to be a Batus wagon with SAAB Direct Fire Weapons Effect Simulator kit fitted. That will be a big undertaking however as apart from the Laser projector above the barrel it will all need to be scratched. Thoughts anyone?


The Warrior is a fun build. Fit is good and assembly pretty trouble free. I put Friul tracks, a barrel, and PE on mine.

It does look good but from reading another thread on here it has it’s shortcomings which I will address. I have the AFV Club Scimitar metal barrel and barrel trough to fit to it also as I fitted a Scorpion Miniature Models Scimitar upgrade kit when I built my UN Scimitar.

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Go for the warrior mate …it will be an interesting build

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Ginger or Mary Ann? Either will probably be very satisfying.
Or you could risk getting slapped and attempt both at the same time.


Warrior for me … Will be good seeing how the TES kit builds up … I loathe the Scim 2… It’s an abomination in my eyes …
And if the TES kit proves to much … You could do it as one off the Red top safety wagons :grin:

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I could just do myself a favour and punch myself in the face, same result. The stress would probably kill me. Johnny the Eduard etch has the Laser projector in it but nothing else. I have the old style retro reflectors from the Husky TSV kit which I might use after a bit of reshaping. There are close up pics of the various pieces on Prime Portal but they won’t open into the larger pics, well not for me anyway.

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The Warrior had some dimensional issues. Accurate-Armour did replacements for the offensive pieces. I bult oneover twenty years ago using their parts and gave it a fairly good interior using Chartpak tape for webbing, A-A British style treadplate, and scratch built items.
I have another one that still needs to be completed. It took a cat assisted spill and had to be repaired. Unfortunately no more A-A - I guess this one is OOB.

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I can have a look if you want and see what I can find

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Learnt a lesson with my Ferret. Put loads of hours into the interior and it is barely visible, so this one will be exterior only. Possibly a rudimentary turret interior but that’s about it. As long as it looks like a Warrior I’ll be happy. If you find any pics of TES stuff I’d be grateful Johnny, I’ve got a lot of pics of Batus wagons fitted but very few close ups.


I have the Warrior kit on the shelf as well, so I’ll be keeping an eye on this one!
The plan is to make mine a white UN-vehicle in Bosnia.

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I quit being obsessed with interiors long ago for that very reason. If a kit comes with an interior I may or may not choose to build it. But I’d have to really have a good reason to open one up these days just to scratch build one. The exception that comes to mind is the Mortar AMPV. Most of the time you have to unrealistically open every hatch on the vehicle to see anything, That generally only happens in the motor pool.


I concur - if it can’t be seen then I don’t bother; but this is where manufacturers perhaps miss a trick. When a hatch is opened up (depending on the size of course) and even when populated with a figure, there’s always some turret junk to be seen. It would be nice if a few pieces were included in kits for those that do wish to open up a turret or Driver’s compartment.

A lot of my models are competed with said “junk and clutter” (less than accurate descriptions I know, but you’ll get my drift I’m sure), but often a result of my imagination and probably less than accurate as a result.


Using the motto “but it is better then nothing”. At least I do…


Depending on, what sort of building experience you want,
easy warrior, less Lazer kit
large part count scimitar 2.
Would be interested if you end up 3D printing the simulator.

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Do you mean the Flash Bang smoke Simulator, as fitted to the turret front of this Challenger?

I can’t for the life of me find a pic of a Warrior with one fitted, I’m not sure if it is part of the Warrior TES fit? It’s looking more likely I’ll just do a Batus Warrior without the TES fit.


Don’t remember where I found these:


Cheers, I haven’t seen those pics. They’re a mix of newer retro reflectors and older mounting points for them. The Wagons still have Clansmen antenna mounts, so pre 2004ish when Bowman was being rolled out. Newer ones seem to have been thought out a little better.


And some more because the 5 limit attachment.


As far as I can remember, the Warriors didnt have the flash bang, just MBT

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