Scratch Built & Conversions

It’s baaaaaack! … What started out as a joke is evolving into the ‘Z-1-Raketenantriebssystem.’

The shipping palette was a snap… chop Wooden Stirring Sticks and slapped them together with white glue… DONE. :hammer_and_wrench: Then I went on a “sleep bender.”…

… and decided to add radial engine mounts. That was when I was reminded of Evergreen Channel’s memory and tendency to spring back to its original shape. Even after hot water dipping and some light hair-dryer heat, it was a challenge to set the 5mm radius… two hours later! :boom::hammer: :hot_face:

Evergreen Styrene Channel (261) .060” (1.5mm)

It’s Sci-Fi, so who knows what I’ll dream-up next? :sleeping::thought_balloon::rocket:
