Scratch Built & Conversions

That is impressive.

Wow. Impressive.

Hi guys,

Back again with a little more work. Added bracing, tanks and some outdoor plumbing (brass is dry-fit for now). :hammer_and_wrench:

This thing is probably gonna’ blow-up in my face! :fire::bucket: :rocket::boom:



Yes indeed you’re playin’ with fire…

(Not many dead) Thanks for the hot-channeling explanation - great name for a band btw, the Mandrels…I can think of two cover versions they’d do, but Nurse has thankfully increased my medication :musical_score:


Here’s a little background tune to go with those spectacular “styrotechnics!”
the other “Mandrell.” :notes::notes::notes::notes:

—mike :upside_down_face:


All those details…


I know Spence, I know . . . . .

I think after reading through all the posts, one thing I have to invest in is a better and more in depth go to supply of plasti card and rod … thats what limits me at the moment


Evergreen’s full line is available online and also a lot can be found on eBay. I suggedt ording multiple items at once to save on shipping.

I am fortunate to have two fairly well stocked hobby shops in reasonable driving distance.



Pre-Brexit, I used to buy all my styrene supplies from Hattons in UK.

They carry both Plastruct and Evergreen, and have enough assortment to catter the most demanding styrene-eater project.



Angel, you are the reason no has enough plasti rod or sheeting with the amount you use !!! lol

I am going to order some assorted packs from amazon tonight to get me started though :+1:


You just can’t imagine how fortunate indeed you are, Mike!

Couple of years ago I tried to convince the owner of a local mortar and brick store to implement some styrene assortment.All in vain- the demand was projected to be much lower than the minimum order quantities per item set by both Plastruct and Evergreen.So neither is available in Bulgaria…



And I just found a model railway store 30min away from me which stocks all that and a brand called Slaters ? - will go and pay it a visit as well next week


There is only one hobby shop in the entire state of New Mexico, and I live in walking distance of it.


Honestly, I think Evergreen’s “Minimum Order” policy costs them a lot of business. Then once you have that first order you still have to have a “Minimum Reorder” to keep it well stocked.

p.s. One Hobbyshop is 8 miles away the other is a 165 mile round trip.


The only LHS for me is a one hour+ drive that I can no longer make. I’ve been ordering ‘Evergreen’ from ‘Scale Hobbyist’ for approx. 9-years — they seem to have enough to go around and there’s no minimum order policy. HTH.



The Minimum Orders I am referring to are imposed on the Hobbyshop by Evergreen, and not on the end user.

That is why you see so many Evergreen displays 3/4 empty because the Hobbyshop has decided to no longer “play the game!”

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“Evergreen Sanctions!” Well slap me silly! How do they expect this thread to succeed?


Scratch Builders Note:

I have found that the Evergreen products appear to be saw cut to proper dimension. (I can see the saw blade marks on the larger dimensioned pieces.) However the Plastrut products seem to be produced by what I will call a “Rolled Extrusion” process that creates sort of a “Marshmallow” shaped piece of proper thickness but curved sidewalls.

I suspect the Plastrut manufacturing process to be much quicker and less expensive to do.

In some cases this will be of no concern to the scratch builder but in other situations this might make for all the difference in the model.

Feel free to share your experiences with these products and/or disagree with me but this is what I have consistently found to be true. I therefore always favor the Evergreen products.


One local train shop got the classic Plastruct rack, but after a couple months there was very little left. They didn’t restock the popular ones because Plastruct insisted they paid for a full restock each time, including the stuff that didn’t sell.

I’m fortunate that a couple decades of buying means I now have the full Evergreen line at my bench, and my go-to online shop can fill the gaps as they arise.

Angel, have you found a suitable stockist in Europe, now the UK is on the outside looking in?