Sculpt a mold?

Is Sculpta-mold (?) the same as Celluclay? Or does it have other things added?
:smiley: :canada:

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Sculptamold essentially mixes plaster with fibres. It kind of acts like a mix between plaster, clay and papier-mâché.

My understanding is that celluclay is more instant papier-mâché. However I’ve only used sculptamold, not celluclay.


Yes, Celluclay is essentially papier-mache in a powder form. Since my original posting I’ve viewed some U-tubes, and the guy used papier-mache egg cartons finely ground in a blender (et, viola!) Celluclay, but continued to add plaster of paris to the mix to produce his version of Scultamold.
Now, to convince the missus to let me use her Cuisine-Art! :thinking:
:smiley: :canada:

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Sure, if she can use your airbrush.


Only if she wants to base-paint my models! :wink:
:smiley: :canada:

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Biggles, it was nice knowing you! :coffin: :headstone:

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:+1: :+1: :+1: :joy: