Seaplane tender USS Langley AV-3 1:350

Last report for this weekend: I fitted the landing deck onto the girder construction - not with some losses but nothing which could not be repaired. Despite a lot effort to make an accurate work with the girders I had problems to fix the landing deck with the trusses beneath. I had to cut some inner beams of the etched trusses to let everthing fit together. Luckily this will not be seen by the casual observer:

Some glimpses inside at the superstructures now

I then finished the anchor winch, the chain and the anchors itself

As I still had some power left I decided to finish the lifeboats also this weekend. The Black Cat 3D printed boats look already super, I just drilled out the windows and sealed them with Kristal Klear at the two biggest lifeboats for a more realistic look:

Finally already at their destined places :innocent:

As you can see I also started to paint the landing deck with gunze sandy brown as the suggested tan color looked too light for my taste. This will thoroughly dry now until I will continue with the white strips

Happy evening everyone :raised_hand: :yum: