Searching for Soviet 2P19 Scud TEL R-17 Missile Hookup Info

Hi Robbie,

Can you post a link to the build you’re referencing? Without seeing it, I can’t honestly give any sort of opinion about it.

I can say, however, that I’ve yet to see a SCUD build that has the cabling and hoses really correct. About the most correct one that I know of off the top of my head is the build shown in the photos for the Voyager PE set for the Trumpeter 9P117M TEL with R-17 (9K72) “Elbrus.” Even that example is missing the two compressed air hoses and the starter fuel hose.

Still, the real issue is with trying to figure out the cable and hose connections on the tracked 9P19 TEL. There is enough information out there to make some pretty good guesses or deductions, but there are as yet no definitive answers. However, any solution should be logical and based on what is known, so it’s not a case of just “anything goes.”

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