Socom M-ATV

Wow, I like how the walls look. Smart thinking with the plasticard insert.


Very nice. You are a 3D design/printing master.

Wow. Good job. :heart_eyes:

Nice work on the wall sections

That looks amazing…great enough to be sold as an aftermarket kit to the world! :grinning:

Thanks for the positive comments !
They make it worth the many, many hours spent to design those parts.

About making the parts available for sale:
they will be available in my Shapeways page in a week or so.

I’m also in contact with a company making resin cast to evaluate the feasibility of producing my model parts in resin. I’ll keep you updated about this.


I would be very glad to see you designs produced in resin. The designs are definitely worth it, and I’m sure a high-quality detailed resin conversion would be interesting to the modling public.



Outstanding work!looking forward to see this released soon.Been waiting for this conversion to be made,Any idea of when it will be?

Thank you for your appreciation.
I have completed designing the door closing mechanisms and the spare tire support, so the cargo bay is now complete.
I believe that in a couple of weeks all the conversion parts could me made available for sale on Shapeways.

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I have assembled all the 3D printed parts for the cargo area.
I have also made with plasticard cabinets and boxes; front panels of the two boxes at the top of the electronic equipment cabinets are 3D printed.
Now it comes the CROWS turret and the sliding doors between cabin and cargo bay.
Then final assembly and painting.
Still a lot of work to do.
And, by the way, I’m still in doubt about which level of details make for the interiors.


Conversion parts will be available on Shapeways beginning from Wednesday.
You will find four sets:

  • front parts (bumper, tow bar, windshield frames)
  • cargo base, with fenders and bumper
  • cargo walls
  • miscellanea with handrails, front right antenna mount, rear tiltable antenna mount

The cargo bay looks absolutely amazing!


That is the first good close-up of a SOCOM M-ATV I’ve seen as I haven’t seen many good photos online of one.

Nice job!

From Facebook (thanks to Bill Ritchie for finding them)



Excellent build so far. Regarding certain components - do you not hav e my walk around specific to the SOCOM variant?

Wow, thanks, Frenchy!

That’s a complex build and design for sure! Lots of “eye candy” in the SOCOM M-ATV!

I have those pictures Robert, they have been very useful for the model I’m building.
Your SOCOM M-ATV walkoround is strongly suggested to everyone willing to build such a model.

very unusual setting with that seat in the cage

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Some progress in the build.
I’ve completed the cargo bay and added sliding doors between cabin and cargo.


I’ve also made a try to detailing the correct interiors building the front rack between seats (different from the one in the M 1240).
There is also a 5th seat to add in the rear of the cabin.
Unluckily I don’t have pictures from where to have a clear view of this additional seat, therefore I have to make some guesses.

Could @frenchy come to help ?