Some more foolishness

This was the first installment of the “Baroness Titzengrabben” saga: Once Upon A Time In The West
After having been arrested, tried, and sentenced to hanging (for murder) by an all male jury, she ordered her last supper consisting of a large chicken, with a side of eggs and chickpeas, and extra-extra salt, and a couple of cigars (and matches). Being the genius she is, she extracted sulphur from her meal, combined it with some salt, and used the matches to burn some of the wooden items in her cell for charcoal. That mixture makes gunpowder - crude, but effective! She blew out the window bars of her cell, and made a remarkable getaway! She returned to her ancestral home in Prussia, and with the family fortune decided to live a life of adventure. Further exploits will occasionally follow. :grin:
:grinning: :canada:

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