Our team TO&E (10th SFG(A) ) had one M249 SAW, twelve M4 carbines, two M203 grenade launchers and twelve M9 pistols. The M249 replaced the M60 MG as soon as it was fielded by the US Army. The same with the M4 carbines and the M9 pistols - Each replaced the earlier weapon (M16A2 and M1911A1) as soon as they were fielded.
Piccatinni rails were installed on most M4 carbines and SAWs starting in the early '90s and by the mid-90s were on all of ours. We had the LPL laser pointers available along with NVGs on an issue basis of one per team member starting at the same time.
We also had a number of sniper weapons systems on the ODA TO&E that were also replaced over the years as newer weapons became available. So, from the '70s we had the M21 (two per team), then supplemented with the Barrett (one per team), then supplemented again with the 5.56 mm suppressed system (another two per team). Various M40 based systems generally replaced most of the M21 at a basis of two per team (but not all). Many of the M21 were later refurbed as MBRs.
(For a period I was on a team that had two, XB40 sniper rifles along with two M21. The sniper teams were built around one of each, with two teams on the ODA in order to satisfy a particular on-call OPORD. But that was just that team and that possible mission.)
There were also a lot of weapons that were on the company / ODB TO&E which the teams could draw on. At the battalion level, we had a enough AKMs, RPKs and SVDs to replace every US equivalent weapon on every team in all three line companies. (This might have been a 10th Group only thing, though.)
Edit: Heck I totally forgot about the M240 7.62 MG… Also available from company level.
Every team in 5th SFG(A) was allocated M240, M19 and M2 machine guns along with the standard TO&E M249. A usual outload might be a DUMVEE with one M240, another with a M19 and a third with an M2. Another SAW or M240 carried on the flex mount for the co-driver for three more fully automatic weapons. Each team member would also have an M4 and an M9 and the sniper systems would also be carried in the vehicles.
So, we also had 60mm and 81mm mortars, anti-tank weapons like 90mm recoilless rifles, M47 Dragon missile trackers, etc. IIRC, we had one M40 106mm recoilless rifle in the battalion arms room that we could use for training (and presumably draw on during wartime). All of these could be requested based on a particular mission.
None of this even touches on the CIF teams who usually had their own MTO&E which varied from group to group somewhat. Depending on the time period, there were either CIF teams one per company or one company per battalion (or none).
Really, the only dead-nuts accurate reference would be either a written description by someone actually there or a clear photo. Even photos can easily get civilian PMCs mixed up with US SOF or SOF from other nationalities, so you really need to know something about the photo you’re using as a reference.