
Well this will be my first spit i’ve built i think ever, looking forward to the challenge with a little help maybe from all my friends here. wish i could start tomorrow.



I’m in with the 1/72 Airfix Mk. I. Planning to build it in flight.


Well…thinking about this I’m wondering if I should do a more interesting kit.

I have Tamiya’s 1/48 Mk. I and Mk. Vb, the Kotare Mk. Ia, and the Airfix 1/72 I mentioned before.

Hmmm. With limited bench time these days I’m starting to go for the nice kits more instead of focusing on the cheaper kits as “practice” for the big builds that never seem to come…

I am in! A good excuse to make a Danish spitfire. :slightly_smiling_face:

I will probably be a late starter for this campaign.

With you 100% on that.

Michael :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will join with a Norwegian Mk IXe.


So I’ll be doing Revell’s Iron Maiden Spitfire.

Revell even included a couple of Eddie’s, the band’s undead mascot. I think these are ICM figures with new heads.

This is pretty much going to be a straight OOB build. With the fictional markings and undead pilot I can live with any inaccuracies the kit might or might not have. It looks like a Spit and that’s what’s important. Should be a fun build.



Too bad I already have two Spitfires in progress currently… Otherwise I’m quite tempted to join in…


Such an iconic moment in that film.
That and Michael Caine and Elliot Gould’s conversation about liberation.


Stephen, Great choice. I have that same kit in my stash. Looking forward to see what you get from it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It should go together well, it’s a fairly recent tooling I believe. The fun will be in the finishing, especially weathering, staining and paint chipping to look the single cover.



I’m always partial to the airlift loading takeoff and drop scenes myself.

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Planning on the same kit (originally released in 2014) but as a straight Mk.II, so it should be fun comparison.

Michael :stuck_out_tongue:

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As it seems to be time to start posting pics, here’s mine:

Swiped the correct Rotol prop and spinner from my Hasegawa Douglas Bader Mk.IIa/Va kit. Guess I’ll be doing that one as a V. Someday.

Michael :stuck_out_tongue:


I haven’t yet unbagged mine, so hadn’t noticed what prop and spinner was included.
Be good to see what you do with yours.

This is getting tricky … I just don’t know which one to get …

The Revell 1/32 mk IX is only 34 quid but it is the size that is putting me off…the wingspan is about 35cm…

The other I am thinking about is the Airfix 1/48 mk XII… That’s only 27 quid…

I know I’m going to do something daft and get the Revell one … :see_no_evil:


Well folks, my track record re Campaigns is abysmal; however, this one touched a chord, after all, as has been acknowledged, what isn’t there to like about a Spitfire?

Right, don’t laugh. A million years ago, well, 59 actually, Frog brought out this model in 1:72; I built it in, probably in an afternoon. It more or less went down like this:

Finish my paper-round on a Saturday morning (get paid) – around 5 shillings; catch the bus into Salisbury, a town around 8 miles distant, head towards Wiltons toy shop (which sold just about everything from dolls, diecast, to sports kit, model railways, kits, as I say, everything a kid could desire), hand over at least half of my hard-earned cash for said kit, then catch bus back to my sleepy Wiltshire village.

Armed with Woolworths’ “Weldtite” glue, assemble model. Wait for glue, especially on those tricky bits around the propellor and cockpit – the latter completely fogged by my less than accurate application – to dry; apply paints. Now, I’ve been wracking my brains but at the time I think I’d managed to assemble a small collection of Airfix paints which came in jars and Lo! And behold! These included matt paints – which was a revelation. Soooo, apply duck-egg blue, black, dark earth and Matt Green M3 – for some reason that sticks in my mind. All applied with the same brush which was cleaned in turpentine.

Wait for paint to dry; cut out and apply decals or transfers as they were known then; often tricky.

Have tea (as it was called then, not dinner); watch Dr Who, sometimes from behind the sofa – well those bastard Daleks were scary!

Job done.

I hope not to be in such a tearing hurry this time around; I will not be removing panel lines or similar (there are even engraved areas to show where the roundels go!), or modify it much at all. I might embellish a little if possible but at this stage can’t quite see what that might develop into.

The figures from the Airfix set didn’t appear on the market until 1972 and I was long gone for a soldier by then, but I hope to depict something approaching the action on the respective box covers.


I’ve marked myself as interested in this one. Don’t know much about campaigns on here, but getting the hang of how things work. I’ve built around half a dozen Spitfires in my modelling life, and have a few in my stash (1 x 1/144, 6 x 1/72 and 2 x 1/48), so this could work.

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I was going to get the Revell 1 32 Mk IX but whimped out and went for the Airfix 1 48 Spitfire mk XII …


And the mentioned kit …

Had a quick look inside … Looks nice on first impressions… Bit disappointed that there is no decal option for the instrument panel so will need to paint that by hand :frowning: