
I started my Eduard Spitfire Mk IXe and I think it is safe to say that this is not for beginners. Extremly small PE parts and complicated engineering makes it important to have good tools and magnifying visors. Just as I like it :grin:

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Perhaps I made a wise choice(!)


If I get a chance to jump into this ā€“ need to finish some current projects and school is back so I now have work to grade in the afternoon and parents to call ā€“ then my only option at the moment is Revellā€™s Mark IXc. I finally finished their IIa (took me 5 1/2 years lol) so may as well do this one.

Iā€™m also interested in seeing if any of my home guests notice a difference between the two when sat side-by-side.

Prediction: They wonā€™t.


So, not quite as fast a build as back in 1964, but still pretty quick; anyway, now in primer:

Still a bit of tidying up on seams etc. I just love the outline of the undercarriage - to be painted black if lowered. Propellor only lodged at the moment for the pics.


Nicely done mate ā€¦ I love how they have carved in the area where the roundels should be placed ā€¦ just to make sure lol

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The ideal model for soldiers - idiot-proof(!)


you going to the tank museum show this month ?

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Probably not John; my lad is getting married next week and thereafter itā€™ll be full steam ahead building/catching up for Abingdon, not least as Iā€™m displaying as a singleton, and really must try and get something new on the tables.

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I have not even opened the box yetšŸ˜±

With only 18-odd pieces I could hardly slow down!

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And you call 18 pieces soldiers proof!?! That is 18 mistakes just waiting to happenā€¦ :laughing:


Itā€™s funny you say - that - Iā€™ve just lost an undercarriage leg (tweeezer launch) and having stripped my house down to the foundations still cannot find it! Truly, sometimes the modelling gods are against one.

Time for a gin I think(!)


Sorry for jinxing itā€¦ :grin:

I should think itā€™s easy enough to scratch a replacement; a bit of card and rod I should think, but thatā€™ll wait until tomorrow. So infuriating. Not that Iā€™m in a tearing hurry, just that for once, with such a simple ancient kit it was, well, going well(!)

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My 1:24 has certainly a few moreā€¦


Didnā€™t even see this campaign before i started my tamiya Vb trop a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately that is now nearly complete, waiting on a flat coat.
Might have to pull out my Special Hobby Aussie mkVc and jump in.


Cockpit is more or less done. I think it has more parts than @BootsDMS Spitfire in totalā€¦ It took a while due to fiddly parts. The PE compass was funā€¦ And very little can be seen when installed in the fuselageā€¦


She starts to look like a Spitfire. I mocked up the fuselage to check how the cockpit fits and it slips right into place. DonĀ“t mind the gaps, I have glued the fuselage and clamped it together. No more gaps and no need for filler so far.


Ok, one more and I call it a night.
After the cockpit, the rest was quick and easy. Only challenge was to choose the correct engine cowling. The aircraft IĀ“m building had the Merlin 66 engine, so having the correct covers is somewhat important.


This is the fellow I will be giving a go.

Cracked the Box, and had completely forgotten that I had purchased some Eduard photoetch extras at some point.

Not a particularly complex kit so even with those it should be easily completable