Sprue bros website glitch?

Every single item I am searching for is out of stock on the Sprue bros website, not just the exact kit I want but literally every item in every page. Anyone else expericing this? I’ve probably looked at over 200 items and all of them are listed as out of stock and I haven’t found a single in stock item

You have really good taste - you want what everyone else wants :-).

Seriously, I am not having that problem…

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Just did a random check of several categories and all said add to cart.

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Weirdly when I click on a specific item it shows as in stock but not when looking at pages example:

The top left Val is actually out of stock the top right isn’t. Makes it a pain to navigate but oh well

You can just give me your credit card number and I’ll some stuff for you.

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You have to promise to get something for yourself or else I’ll feel like I’ve taken advantage


I am finding that many of the items I am interested in are out of stock at many outlets. If manufacturers are making kits in a cyclic order, it could be a while before your choices come back up as in stock.

Hear on that! I really wanted the Val in the top left a while back and decided to wait. Hard to find it now for a decent price, so I’m settling for the other one