This needs mid 1943 USN tri-color
That would be historically incorrect as X-wing Starfighters of the USN clearly retained their original camouflage while operating from aircraft carriers in the Pacific:
This needs mid 1943 USN tri-color
That would be historically incorrect as X-wing Starfighters of the USN clearly retained their original camouflage while operating from aircraft carriers in the Pacific:
I’m provisionally in for this although I have no idea what I would build as I generally like most of the cannon layouts and colour schemes
It’s ok to like the cannon colors. This just gives you something fun to do with a the extra AMT TIE fighter or any other duplicate kit you might have.
Been thinking about this a little further and I have a 1/12 Stormtrooper that is calling MARPAT to me. May go that route instead of the X-Wing. Decisions, decisions decisions.
One could always do both.
I think we are almost there for the numbers, one more I think and then we have full house.
I was under the impression that the numbers requirement has been dropped on the new forum, is that not so?
Well there seems to be enough interest so I reckon we should go for it.
I think I’ll join in on this, I’ve got a nice idea for a Y-wing
@Tank_1812 I’m not sure on that, I will to check that out, I thought the old rules were still in place
I was chatting with Richard - gulf warrior, and he was directing that as so much has changed and no ribbons, galleries etc, the numbers could be relaxed so we are pretty much good to go… I will chat with Ryan and then get the basic ground rules squared away and post them and if people think of any tweaks that are required, it can be done then .
fine by me, I just didn’t want to ruffle any feathers especially since we’re still sorting out the odd bug etc
It’s all good. Just wanted to make I wasn’t passing along bad/changed information. We have enough people either way now so it’s a mute point.
I am in on this also. Either with the xwing or another AT ST.
I think what ever I decide on … it will be ground armour based…I so want to do an AT-AT
What are the best Star Wars kit manufacturers ? Is it Bandai, Revell ? Not looked into this side of modelling a great deal. And are there any kits of say Republic vehicles from the clone wars / 1st 3 films ??
I would say Bandai/Finemolds, then Revell and/or Zvezda. Depends on the kit, it might be the only option. The AMT/MPC are last. Old kits that have been redone better. Just kits for this campaign, low cost fun.
Not sure the first three movie vehicles. I try to forget that series mostly.
To throw a curveball into that, RoG sells several of the Bandai SW kits reboxed.