Stryker Campaign Thread

Today I started my first Stryker.

Gruß Viktor


Here’s mine!

:beer: :cowboy_hat_face:


Small update of the lower hull. No problems so far.

Gruß Viktor


My entry will be M1128 MGS from AFV Club.


That’s a good one! I’ve done that one myself.

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I’ll be doing this one with some extra bits :crazy_face:
Maybe even eduard slats.


A small update. Have got 90 % of the front 2 axles done and the front lower plate is on with all the bits.

This is the Trumpy M1132 ESV, and although the parts on the sprues look and indeed are nice and crisp with detail, there is an awful lot of flash on a great many of the parts, and I’m only up to step 6 out of 39 (including the roller and spade steps ) so I can envisage alot more flash on the horizon.

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Slat armor Sasa? your way braver then me! Looking good John, waiting for more. :grin:

Good progress John. Can you mount the roller and spade at the same time, or do you have to pick one or the other?

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Here’s my entry for this campaign, the M1134 Stryker ATGM with Eduard photo etch set and Voyager resin wheels.


Not being an expert on US kit I think it’s one or the other. I think they can be interchanged going by the instructions so I will be building both… Initially I will be going with the spade though.
Like the ATGW Stryker, that’s on my to get list so looking forward to that being built :+1:

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Some help please Stryker experts and hopefully @V1kt0R as well. (Trumpy version ), step 6 part B83 (shocker cowl ?)

Does that get fitted regardless of the PE bit PEA15 or does the PE bit just get fitted over part B83 ? It says the PE part is an option ? Does that mean you can have it fitted or not bother with it ? Victor looks like he has fitted his PE over the top … Help :smiley: ??

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I glued the PE parts over it. Without B-parts, the PEs have no hold.

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small update upper hull, 80% of the parts installed. Next up is the weapons station and commander hutch.

Gruß Viktor


Thanks for confirming that @V1kt0R, I hoped that was what needed to be done … I didn’t make sense otherwise. :+1:

Your Med wagon is coming along very nicely… Do any of the Trumpeter kits come with any internal detailing ?

only the mortar M1129 has interior fittings.

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I think you’re SUPPOSED to use either the PE or the B part not both, but I’ve always used both; that way the PE doesn’t fall off.

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Nice work so far guys. I’m following along with this one.
Just a quick question with regards to the M1129 mortar carrier. Was it used in Iraq? Can’t seem to find any photos of it during OIF.

It’s a bad plan if they want you to just use the PE part… It has the smallest area ever for bonding to the hull… Makes no sense at all… Both parts it is :+1::+1:

Stryker mortar in Iraq.
Plan to do one

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