Have you tried DVIDShub for pics?
I found a few, but none of the topside.
But I think I’m getting there:
Going to add the HellFire missiles and a extra set of Stingers.
The big gun in the middle is going to be fun.
Due to lack of pictures and information this may take a day extra.
I don’t understand why the US Army leaves AFVs parked out in the harsh weather elements and in the open for spy satellites to see.
I know that it costs money to build a roof carport, but how about inflatable tents or huge domes to park the AFVs inside?
I guess it’s too much to ask for an AIM-9X launch rail or two or three to be installed in place of the Hellfire missiles?
Photo from Defense News.
Great IM-SHORAD Stryker photos though!
Looks like an upgraded Avenger turret for launching Hellfire and Sparrow missiles.
No, those are three AIM-9X “Sidewinder” missiles.
Any need for this version of the turret?
A Lockheed Martin model of the Terrestrial Layer System-Brigade Combat Team is seen at the company’s booth Oct. 9, 2023, at the Association of the U.S. Army conference in Washington, D.C. (Colin Demarest/C4ISRNET)
I get them mixed all the time.
I like this… a lot!
“Enjoy” designing these parts.
I don´t think that it´s THAT easy for a civilian/modeller to get in an Army installation?
I wasn’t refering to the OP. I can get on any time I like. The Army is usually very helpful. It’s those silly villains you gotta watch - they’re very protective of their babies.
Example of Army guy being extremely helpful:
And while I did show the excellent ladder in my car earlier, we simply used the stairs. (Always do this when possible, it burns more calories than riding the escalator)
Because you are wearing the uniform?
No, because I’m an extremely charming mud farmer.
This is how I roll on vacation. Did you see the sneakers on the SHORAD Stryker?
Does this mean that I as a German can go to Ft. Sill and ask for permission to take pictures of the Sgt. Stout?
You can ask all you like, The answer will probably be a resounding “no.” Tell me when you want to be there and I’ll meet you there. That’s where the SHORAD photos came from. Then we have to eat Korean food afterwards or my wife won’t go.
I know at FT Carson there is a small armor collection outside the main gate that can be accessed by civilians without going onto the base itself so they might have something like that.
Unfortunatly, I have no intentions to go to USA. It would rather try my luck.at USAG Ansbach.