Miniart T-54B… Now I can show you why I dont do pre-shading:
I do a great deal of pre-shading and in my opinion your off to a good start here. Granted there is a bunch of overspray but that will only enhance the overall effect once the base base color is applied. Much will depend on how toy apply the base coat. I have found that the best approach is to thin the paint more than normal so that it is rather translucent rather opaque. It will require multiple passes with the AB but the color will slowly build. Continue making passes all over or just in spots till you have the coverage that you think is right. Just keep in mind that everything will darken with weathering. The weathering process will also tone down any stark contrasts considerably. Also keep in mind that it is always easier to darken a finish using filters, washes, etc. than it is to try make it lighter. Good luck.
What he said. Although it looks stark now, several transparent layers building up on this may come out quite nice.
Robert, I think it will work out nicely. I have tried doing preshading a number of times, but always ends up without any real effect. I use post shading instead.
I think yours will come out very nicely under some light coats. Looking forward to see more once you get the base color on.
Miniart t54-2 leads to a breakthrough… imagine if you thin paint it sprays better… who’d have thunk it… ammo 4bo thinned 50:50 with ammo transparator… can even see some of the highlight!!!
Looks great, Rob!
Hi everyone,
I’m starting to assemble this MiniArt kit to take part in this GB:
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
This tank operated in The Sinai Peninsula during the Yom Kippur War in October 1973:
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
Source: Tanks of the Tiran family
More information about this tank: [Here] or [Here]
A quick look inside the box:
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
Nice! I’ve been eyeing that kit for awhile - I’m keen to hear how you get on with it.
Miniart T-54 slowly coming on. decals on… not going to over weather it because of the interior, just some panel lines and a touch of oil i think
V-55 V-12 580 hp Water-cooled diesel engine, before …
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
and after the weathering …
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
It is a masterpiece! And you hid it in a tank?
You have to love a tank with a ‘Rumble Seat’ on the turret.
Looks great
Since we last spoke…
When I built the MA T-54 I was not terribly satisfied with the wheels and running gear. So this time, being more prepared, I think the wheels and idler have come out splendidly. I put all of them together using a run of tracks above and below to make sure they all lined up correctly and were even. There is one wheel that looks a little bowed inward, but when I had it sitting on the track run, it was not visible. I painted and weathered the lower hull and wheels before glueing it all together.
The drive sprocket will still be a pain - I will glue it on when I add the tracks.
Speaking of tracks, I’ve completed one run of T-rex tracks (not sure how to link to the T-rex track thread). I’ve put a first coat of primer on them. They are easy to work with, but fragile. I don’t think they will handle much handling so to speak.
Some nice modulation.
What armorsmith said: nice modulation.
Agree. Apparently, but in moderation. Be sure to show us what’s next. I would also like more details: what paint, what technique was used.