T-54/T-55 Campaign

Looking really good so far. It’s an excellent kit. Looks like you are doing well!

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Do you mean on the face of the rubber tyre? These are fine raised lines on the Tiran 5 kit, not recessed grooves. They are almost invisible on the real wheels though so would be barely there in 1/35th scale:

They are also present on the tread of the tire, but usually they wear off quickly leaving only a faint central mould seam running around the tread area at most. In the desert the seam generally disappeared very quickly too. Granted these T-55 tyres on the Latrun example have seen better days…

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You got it.

As previously stated I have been scraping at the Miniart BMR- Late model with the KMT-7 mine roller.
Let me qualify my next statement by saying over the years I have built a metric ton of Miniart kits and love them.
Now with that being said this one does not match up to the standards we all expect from Miniart. Dont get me wrong here , I am not overly upset about it. Im left wondering did they use a pinch hitter engineer team for this one?
All the issues have been no big deal really. I will list the issues below and their corrections.
1.Missing weld beads…
Scribe and replace with styrene rod or putty.
2. Micro flash…
Scrape it off.
3. Gaps ranging from 0.5 k to 0.15 k …
Smaller gaps lightly apply tet let sit and lightly and to back fill.
Fill with styrene rod or strip.
Finally use sprue goo.
Warping on the hull bottom plate…
Assemble side and rear panels followed by upper hull and use the upper hull to keep it square and level.
4. Poorly designed instructions. ( they do not flow naturally)…
The solution is to skip around and build in a finishing order . A example is to complete the suspension for the port side and then move to the starboard side and complete that .
Would I build this kit again… Absolutely. It is still a great kit , that has left me shacking my head a bit as to the engineering decisions. As far as engineering decisions I am also working on the Kitty Hawk SU-35 Flanker . So obviously I don’t mind engineering challenges ( and yes I also love Kitty Hawk Kits)

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Despite all the earlier issues , I have been rolling full steam ahead at the factory and making progress on the build. The rolled steel texture is on , and needs to be knocked down in a couple spots.
Many many small parts in place and a few scratch built ones as well . Several of which do not show up well in the pics.


progress at last as stage four has been completed on the tamiya enigma.


Nice and clean . Looking good.

@Chris_Bryan yeah it’s going together easy enough it’s just getting the time to do it at work.

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A common problem among modelers.


Tell the boss you need to work on your model

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Looking good Chris. The texture looks great. Every manufacturer has to drop the ball on occasion - it’s how far away it rolls that is the problem!

Keep at it David…

A couple of evenings spent on mine. I have 4 other builds at paint stage that I should have finished before getting into this one, but…

Where I am up to - Finished sanding the road wheels, Model Kasten workable tracks done (used the Tamiya Rubber bands to work out the length), Aber barrel assembled (Dry fit here. This is a REALLY nice barrel…), Fender brackets removed from the top ready for the Legend Etch ones to go in and suspension arms installed. Turret is under way.


a brief update, I have assembled the upper and lower hull sections and I am due to start work on the rear of the tank soon


David, I think the Idler goes on the outside… :grinning:

Coming along nicely. I am doing dribs and drabs on my Tiran.

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very good :yum:

getting some work done as I break in new staff due to a recent sudden departure.


Hi folks, I have a few ongoing builds at the moment but I really wanted to build a T-54/55. I two miniart T-55s but I don’t feel confident enough to tackle those yet. So… lets go with this one! I really wanted a standard Type 59 but they’re often out of stock locally. I’ll be building this one oob - I’m not great with PE but we’ll see how it goes


progress on the MiniArt T-54-2 (I officially hate bronze paint… sitcky, doesn’t cover well… hate it I tell you…)

need to touch up & weather this - all major parts just placed for fit testing…


some work done on the turret of my enigma.


just about finished the construction, I have the heavy machine gun to build and a few freebies to add.


started weathering the MiniArt T54-2 fighting compartment. just the usual chipping to start…


Nice progress, David and Robert.

Robert, are you Going to to show off the interior when done? It seems a pity to hide it.