Takom M103A1 build review

According to http://the.shadock.free.fr/The_USA_Historical_AFV_Register.pdf , it’s at the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1001 South Rd: N34 04.348 W106 55.109, and the vehicles there include the M103, M48 Patton, M59A1, and M60 listed as ‘stored’, and an M53 and T48 Patton listed as ‘wreck’. But none of that gives any better indication of where they are than ‘somewhere around’.

They have a lot of stuff out on their range, a mountainous area just behind (west of) the town of Socorro. I have seen a lot of their stuff on tours. Ironically, I have to drive around that mountain to get where I have to go next week.

I thought those photographs from Credit Island looked familiar, they are from my photo album on my HDS Facebook page. Here is a link for the complete album!


Great set of photos :+1: :+1:

The museum in Danville VA will let you climb around their M103 for an extra fee (along with a Panzer IV and a few others); the M103 was the only one I felt comfortable getting into the driver’s seat. I’m too tall to be a tanker but the M103 is a monster.


Of the eleven I’ve seen, that one is NOT on my list. But the others never charged to climb on them. Could be because on most of them they weren’t aware I was doing it…
Oddly, my wife’s family owned restaurants in both Nacogdoches (where she went to Stephen F. Austin) and Sweetwater, where there was nothing to do but drink and ***k. Everyone thought they were Mexican - none of them had ever seen Asian people before. :rofl:

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How much did they charge for access? Some years ago I contacted them about getting pics and measurements of the dozer mechanism on their Sherman and they said it was a couple hundred dollars to step over the rope! Needless to say that project never happened…

https://www.aaftankmuseum.com/ has their information. According to their website, they’re closing soon and no longer doing the ‘behind the ropes’ tours. Sigh, this makes me sad.

Sounds final, but they had a “closing” scare some years back. But if they are shipping out exhibits that’s not good. Wonder where the CI Sherman will wind up?

Don’t know if you folks are aware, but we have an M103 (of whatever provenance it is) at the Tank Museum in the UK. Maybe it’s your missing one Kurt with the ? beside the entry.?

Here is a Youtube video of it “performing” at Tankfest. Not sure of exact date, but it is in very recent years, possibly last year or the year before.

Also, if you click on the picture below, it should take you to my Flickr album of the M103 at the museum.

I can probably get the full provenance of this vehicle from the Curator, when I am next in, if anyone is interested.

This is a great thread Nikos @gtdeath13 and very helpful, since I picked up my Takon M103A2 today!

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It is a M103A2, thanks for the flicker link!

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My pleasure Nikos. So I have a very useful real reference for my build it seems!