Takom M48 series coming

What the hell do I now do with the 2 x Monogram M48A2s in my stash? Aaaargh!

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They’re safe now. They have reached stash nirvana.

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Like a sort of protected species?

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Kinda. of course if they get too high and mighty, you can threaten them with 'Diorama work"

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Are these some of the releases you may have helped with that you alluded to? Awesome. even If only that I get a new tool Sgt York.

Lol I bought the Tamiya SGT York a few months ago figuring I’d do a weekend (or so) build. Would love a new tooled one.

Tagging doesn’t work in this forum.


It does, @KurtLaughlin it all depends how/when you type it.

Oh. Sadness. Maybe someone can show me how it works.

So, any involvement with these?

Type @ then wait a second or so and a box should appear with some names and as you type letters the list should get smaller. You can use the real name/name in profile or their screen name. I can start with M or C for you. From me T or R but you might need some more letters for it narrow down to me. Select the one you want and done.


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Takom has released drawing of all three of their upcoming M48 series. They look really nice. It looks like they will have indi-link tracks, both T-97E2 and T142 tracks.

The M48A5 has options for the single M60D cupola mount or the .50 cal cupola mount and loader’s M60D mount as seen on 2ID tanks in S. Korea.

The M247 SGT York looks to have the proper rear deck and engine access covers as well, unlike the old Tamiya botch job.

M48A3 Mod B looks good too. I wonder if the inner hatch details will be present, unlike Dragon’s which are smooth.


They look very promising!!! I dont know if the tracks will appeal to most people but I definitely up for it.



Anxiously awaiting the release of these.

M48A3 for me all day long, I’ll buy 1 and build then order more no doubt, can’t wait so see more details.


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Put me down for a M48A5 :heart_eyes:

Just checked my soon-to-be discarded Academy M247 and found a set of turned barrels. I think they will look good in the Takom turret.
BTW, Were all the M247 PT´s painted in Desert MERDC?

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I have only seen a couple in the Gray Desert MERDC, currently at museums. As noted above, they were also in overall green and Winter Verdant MERDC.

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Thanks, more choices when painting my model someday. There were several prototypes of the Sgt York build?

Around 50 vehicles produced.

“On 27 August 1985, SECDEF Weinberger killed the project after about 50 vehicles had been produced.”

Apparently only 5 examples survive.

"Most of the production Sergeants York ended up as targets on air force bombing ranges. However, one is on display at the Sgt. Alvin C. York State Historic Park in Pall Mall, TN where its namesake hailed from, one is in the Wahner E. Brooks Historical Exhibit at the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Grounds, AZ, another is located at the AAF Museum in Danville, VA , one at the Fort Snelling Military Museum in Minneapolis, MN (now closed), and one located at the Arkansas National Guard Museum at Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, Arkansas.