Takom: Super Heavy Tanks | Armorama™

No one said that.

Do you really think that the best way, the most effective way, to communicate your desires to manufacturers is by burying a negative comment in a website’s regurgitation of a company’s press release? Don’t you think contacting the company directly would be better? Can you really not see that, or accept that it’s true?


No? Why does it have to be that? It’s just a forum.

You are half right.

I’m perfectly happy with what I write, how I write it, and how people react to it. I won’t be changing anything.

Have you ever emailed them directly or contacted them through their Facebook page? If you haven’t, you are not giving “feedback”.and they are not getting it. This announcement was written by Armorama, not Takom. Takom probably doesn’t even know it was published. There is no reason to think that they are reading it, and absolutely no evidence that they are taking any release suggestions from it. Posting your unsolicited feelings or some random kit request, in the middle of a website’s rehash of their announcement of a completely unrelated model, is just noise that they’ll never see, let alone consider or treat seriously.

If you guys really cared about communicating with a company you would

With .

It’s sooo much easier and quicker to just type a few sentences here though, isn’t it? It may be worthless, but it makes you feel like you have accomplished something. Heck, you can even brag to your friends how you Spoke Truth to Power.

The thing is, five or ten years from now, you still won’t have your M56, or your Comet, or your Bradley, or your Independent, but you’ll have your choice of several new-tool Maus kits.


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Yes. I have.

You don’t have to contact any companies, you can still post here.

Perhaps I’ve gotten this all wrong. Is the goal to put a bug in the ear of a model company to make a favorite subject, or is the goal make a quick, worthless, public, demonstration that you can show your friends?

I must admit, I’ve been working under the assumption that it was the first, but if it is the second, I see now exactly where you guys are coming from.


Then why are you wasting your time burying you requests deep in the noise of forums, or defending others who do?


Because not everything I say here has to be of earth-shattering importance. It’s a forum. For commenting on things. inconsequential, plastic model things. Not all comments have to be filtered through everybody else sense of approval, and certainly not yours.


True. Then you won’t mind my criticism and will take it all in stride, unlike in this thread?


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My stride is cheerfully unaffected.

You know you are staggeringly easy to bait, right? :grin: You’ve kept me entertained for half the day.


Simple solution… dont like it. Dont build it.

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Mauschen means LITTLE mouse. Whats the big one look like ?

You know, I could show you, but I’ll let you look it up. Try searching 'Maus Tank"

I speak German. I was talking about the meaning of the name. I’ve known what a Maus is for a quarter century. But thank you for your suggestion.

Ah. Soz.

Is it known that the German tanks were planned or are they just a sick fantasy?

Yes. Some made it to the drawing board or official specification/ “requirements”. Some, various stages of mock-up/ prototype. (they found a plywood mockup of an E-10 or E-25 at the end of the war) Some kits are based on logical supposition. (If they were working on a 50mm Flak gun and had a written plan for an E-50 chassis a 50mm Flakpanzer would be a logical extension.) Some are the result of some model designer having had a Baker’s Dozen martini lunch. (Like the kit I see of a Bismark/ Tirpitz main turret on a “tank chassis”) The Maus actually made it to prototype level, but how practical would it be? That size it would have been defeated by the first river it got to. It was intended to give Hitlers mind something to equip those millions of divisions he “had” in March of 45 to deploy.


Very different perception


I helped with the M3 medium tank series and their M114s, and some that haven’t been released. In fact, the M114 was something I wanted, suggested to them, and had been pushing for years. I’ve worked with a number of companies, BTW. I don’t how that makes your posts more meaningful or relevant though, so not sure why you brought it up.

I don’t have a problem with people posting wishlists. In fact, I suggest that back in post # 26. What is ridiculous and idiotic are the posts in threads about new kit X petulantly whining that it’s not what you wanted.

Tell ya what: I’ll keeping doing what I do in private, with direct communications to the companies, and you keep posting meaningless public comments in third-party threads. My guess is I’ll see more of the subjects I want in the next 10 years than you will, and I’ll continue to have no “disappointment” when a subject I don’t care about comes out.


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You may think it is baiting, but from my view it looks like you found yourself in a hole and decided the way out was to keep digging. In those cases, I’ll happily throw you down bigger shovels if I can spare the time.


Me as someone who enjoy what if/project and prototype of all nations, I’m all in for this kind of stuff and I think the pre maus super heavy proejct are more original than maus or E100 themselves and I think anufacturers make them because they’ll simply sell more of them.
PS: Sorry for my absence.