Tamiya Cr2 Desertized

The hydrogas units are molded as part of the hull, not an issue unless you’re using the basic skirts.


Ah ok, got ya.

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Honey, do these exhaust shrouds make my butt look big?
IMG_4316 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
I’m using the Tamiya PE screens, thinking I didn’t need the Eduard PE at all.
IMG_4317 by Russel Baer, on Flickr


They do increase the size a lot … Looks nice though Russ :+1:


Turret’s coming along, mainly cos it’s a Tamaiya kit and I don’t have to wrestle with it. Anti-slip is almost done, then I can do the detail bits. It’s nice not having to re-do most everything like I did with the Trumpeter kit I did last year.
IMG_4330 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
IMG_4328 by Russel Baer, on Flickr


Russ, do you have the “map” for the nonslip?

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Building up really nicely Russ. :+1:

Greg @TopSmith - just look at his images above and of the rear decks without the turret and he has pretty much nailed it. Just be aware, the anti slip does does wear and thin out in the much travelled areas over time.


I still have some more to add on the mid/rear of the turret roof, up to where the bin lids start, pretty sure.
I’m going from pics but I don’t have an actual diagram.


I’ve had some time to do a little, mostly smaller assemblies that will be painted separately and parts that I don’t want to break as I paint. I used about a tenth of the brass in the Eduard PE set, mostly since the PE was either not an improvement or actually worse than the kit part it replaced. Still up in the air is whether I’ll mount the extra fuel drum and whether I’ll try to use the Eduard straps for them. I like the idea of leaving one end open and cramming them with soft stowage. I made the turret hatches operable cos it’s fun and I plan on doing the kit figs to go in them, but later. Side armor is just hanging in the pics, and ignore my thumb in the one showing the fuel drum “mounted”.
Anyhootch, pics so far:
IMG_4333 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
IMG_4335 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
IMG_4334 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
IMG_4332 by Russel Baer, on Flickr
I have to ponder on how (or if) I want to do the giant camo net usually draped around the front hull. Suggestions welcomed.


Exactly the same with the Voyager PE I am not using on my Mk11 …

Ref the cam net, mostly all the ones you see are cam nets rolled up in hessian cloth and secured around the wagon. A loose cam net is a nightmare and will snag on everything as you try to put it up … you can spend a lifetime unhooking from something new every minute … there are a few pre op with just nets … but if you want to keep it true, do it rolled up in hessian… or just leave it …


Would hessian cloth be similar to burlap?


Yeah I think they are the same, we just call it hessian I think


Yes, hessian and burlap are the same thing. Miniart even sells a set of “hessian bags”, what we call “gunny sacks” or burlap bags.


Looks good Russ


That looks more like canvas, but it’s something I can do, gotta go play nodbean on it. Whatever it is, it looks to be do-able in 1.35 scale.
Thanks Anthony, it’s my OOB build for the year.


We don’t usually have that length or size of canvas … We do have a synthetic material we can demand and QMs normally have it on the shelf… It comes in big rolls … I can’t remember what it’s called… We usually use it for screening… It is probably either that or Hessian/burlap type material got in theatre… :+1:


This is coming along very well Russ. I was a young teenager when I saw photos of it from Guld War and fell in love. I don’t know if loving a machinery is weird. If so, then I’m not in the normal crowd as I love a lot of heavy metal stuff with wings and wheels :rofl:


Do you mean the brown stuff on a roll, it’s like a slightly thicker version of what is put down over flower beds to stop weed growth. It’s quite shiny though until it gets a layer of crap on it.

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That’s the badger… And left in an outdoor environment it breaks down in just over 12 months as we used as privacy screening for our guardroom fence. Back in the Cav, it was used as a drop down over headlights, to cover wheels and rolled around the arch etc … In fact thinking about it more, the ones on the Cr2s could be some of the sand coloured tank sheets they had issued… Which would make sense… So there’s a few viable options

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I’d lean more to the cam net being wrapped in a tank sheet. The tank sheets that were issued seem to have a two tone stripey pattern on them. I thought it was just the pic I was looking at but others seem to have it also, unless it’s just my eyes.