Dremel it! Dremel it! Just kidding of course. Fastest way to screw up a kit. Nice work on the cut and excellent results. Looks very clean. Great idea using the scriber. I hope you have a large PE bender for those long fender bends.
I only have a small one, but it appears that based on the voyager instructions the fenders comes in 4 shorter lengths that you solder together with their brackets. I hope it is long enough
Build starting to progress faster now. Got the rest of the fender bits cut off and cleaned up. Still a little bit of polishing to do but overall looking good.
Also started to cut out some of the engine hatch covers and the bow gunners hatch. Not sure if my kit had some molding issues but the bow gunners hatch and one of the engine panels was a bit short. Was able to some strip styrene to fix it. Also some slight sink marks on the bow gunners hatch to fix up, filled with sprue goo and I’ll sand back later. The hatches are all dry fit as I plan to replace the grab handles with wire.
Also filled the panel lines on the rear engine deck and sanded off the details. Will scribe the correct line and add the latches and grab handles next
Fenders should arrive this week and then I should be able to move pretty quickly to the end of the build phase