Tank Destroyers 2 Campaign Active

ok i have just tried to get this into active mode and out of the staging area but i’m not sure if it has worked.

Since I work nightshifts I am posting my planned tank destroyer a day early as you can see in the picture below.


Yes tom. I have an RB Barrel and Fruil tracks… I passed on the other ‘fixes’. I got the kit and tracks cheap at a swap, intending to do a fun build.

Heres my start pic from last night and my pics from today.

Last night and this morning I managed to get the bulk of the Ferdinand done so I could add cast textures and flame cut marks. Next will be adding some missing weld beads. I also added a spare PE tool clamp to replace the terrible plastic one.

Overall I love the kit! Dragon did a really nice job on it with almost no very complex mini builds for small details.



wow Ezra, you’re off to flying start, I’ve not even opened the box properly yet!

Got my kit ready for the build. Will probably start next weekend!


Had a few minutes this afternoon to make a start on the Tamiya Type-1.

Started on the lower hull. Think I’ll go oob on this one.


Aloha All,

Been out of the game for a while, but looking to get back at it.
Would this Pak 40 auf RSO qualify for this campaign?

Happy Modeling,

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@Zonarch I’m not sure actually as I have not come across this before. I reckon it’s a self propelled anti tank gun and if I say yes uild it, I dare say someone will voice their concerns to the contrary.


7.5 cm PaK 40 auf Raupenschlepper Ost (RSO) - Tank Encyclopedia says:
“In the summer of 1943, the need for gun mounted on an RSO that could fire without having to remove the gun from the chassis was seen. A version made with a low silhouette cab (with only lower body protection for the driver and co-driver), along with collapsible sides on the cargo deck, was designed to carry a 75 mm (2.95 in) Pak 40/4 gun that could traverse 360⁰. When Hitler was shown this design, he ordered that it be put on high priority for production, as he saw in it an excellent balance of mobility, firepower and economics, which would provide an excellent tank hunter to the front.”

The Pak 40 auf Raupenschlepper Ost was a fast conversion of tracked artillery tractors used on the Eastern front into summary tank hunters

https://www.frontlinegames.de/Hersteller-Firmen/Battlefront-Miniatures/Flames-of-War-WWII/Deutschland/Vollkettenfahrzeuge/PaK40-auf-RSO::7355.html says:
“The PaK40 auf RSO tank-hunters were put on field trials with Army Group South. Of the 60 RSO/4 with PAK 40 14 each were given to Heer Panzerjägerabteilungen 743 and 744, 14 were issued to 18. Panzergrenadierdivision and 7 were given to 1. Ski-Jäger Brigade. They were not considered satisfactory on account of their low speed and noisy engine.”

It was designed to be a TD, that fact that it was close to useless as a TD doesn’t change the fact that it was designed to be one.
Some silly commanders even tried to use it as a StuG, a role that it was totally unsuitable for …

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:shushing_face: I am not say anything. :joy:


The problem is by definition. A tank is basically a mobile gun platform used to support Infantry on the battlefield and at the same time destroying other vehicles as needed or directed including targets such as tanks, so a tank, is also tank destroyer by default.
A dedicated Tank Destroyer, is one which was made for the specific purpose to engage and destroy tanks is different. A JagdPanther, Hellcat, Marder, Achilles, Ferdinand etc are purpose built to destroy tanks.
In WoT there are grey areas creeping in such as STUGs and the ISU range of platforms which are included as tank destroyers but were primarily built as assault gun platforms to give close heavy support to infantry and to be used against fortified positions. They were then found to be effective against tanks as well and merged into being called tank destroyers, but it was not their initial role or function. Its all subjective.
And the Firefly is another grey area as it was designed with a bigger gun to specifically counter the better armoured German tanks and in this case supporting infantry would of been a secondary role and I suppose thats why you would of had independent troops of them attached to normal Sherman/Allied tank regiments… just my take on it being a tankie


That’s because “real life” is rarely as clear-cut as official doctrine or indeed WoT categories! :slight_smile:

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i remember the old days when running campaigns used to be fun :crazy_face: :laughing: :sunglasses:


Was that before WoT lol :grin:

Ah, we only tease you 'coz we like you!

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when you said that, strangely enough i thought of this :crazy_face:

So, … The RSO is good to go?

Happy Modeling,

Klaus-Adler is managing this campaign so it’s his decision.

If my opinion is worth anything I would say the PaK auf RSO is OK

Yep. I agree with @Johnnych01 but again I defer back to the first point.

@Zonarch ok, mate go for it, build that puppy.

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