Tank Destroyers 2 Campaign Active

I thought we already discussed this, we use crossbows for that kind of threat not tanks as we don’t have anymore. :crazy_face:


I run enough campaigns that I fully expect my turn to come!

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Same, just part of the job but we only do it cause we like David. :+1:


That’s a big sad “no” from me - I spent my time writing a video lecture for work. I might get to cut plastic next week if I’m lucky. (Those kill-joys who write my paychecks have funny ideas about four-letter words like “work”…)


My entry will be the VBL with Milan antitank missile from Tiger Model. I’ll probably start it Friday evening at my modeling club session.

Here are the pictures of the box content.

On a side note can anyone tell me an easy way to find in which campaign I’m enlisted? In the old site there was a table with all the campaigns and a ticked box when you were enlisted. I haven’t found the same thing here.



This has been raised a few times Olivier and I think the general answer at the moment is there isn’t any way set up to cater for that… You can’t beat a yellow post it note :grin: (which is my method )

And nice entry BTW, does the Milan come with a MIRA or just the daylight sight ? Will look forward to that being built. Very different.


Got a bit of building done. Got the drive sprockets and four larger road wheels done. In typical bronco fashion these 6 wheels where made of 40 total parts! detail on this kit is really nice and the plastic is softer which I prefer


I am in, I just need to figure out what I will use. I promise mainstream and no how about this?

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the MIRA is in its protective case inside the vehicle as well as the cooling bottles.


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Best place for them :grin::+1:

Great to see more plastic being cut, than academic discussions in this tread :wink: :ok_hand:t2:

Olivier, great choice for this campaign. I will follow your build with interest as I have yet to try one of the Tiger model kits. Furthermore I know the great modelling skills you have, so I am sure this model will be excellent when finished.

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you have no idea mate, I’m boycotting this thread until after my holiday.


My M10 with extra bits.


Say no more FAM.

I’m in with the I Love Kit Rhm. Borsig Waffentrager boasting the 15 cm Pak L/29.5 gun. What I wanted was the Object 268, but it was just out of reach on a top shelf. Spotted this as I turned a corner, knew I had to have it. I rather liked scooting about in my borsig, blasting away with the 15cm gun.

Box says 970+ parts, but most of that is the workable track/pins. Not looking forward to that…

Hard to tell but fairly long.

Instructions and color guide just scream Trumpeter. Think this might be a reworked Trumpeter 12.8cm Pak 44 Waffentrager.

Everything is nicely molded, very little flash, though there does seem to be a bit of mold release agent. Nothing a quick wash can’t fix.


I’m glad the ZIS-30 was mentioned as acceptable for this campaign, mine just came in today and is my entry to this campaign.



35th Bro, I have made both of the trumpeter waffentragers (PAK and howitzer)

A word of warning on the tracks. As hard as I tried it could not make the tracks be workable. They fall apart when moved. So in the end I glued every single link and positioned them the usual way.
Quite some work and result was so so because I glued the wheels in place beforehand. Hopefully you have more luck/skill than me and do not glue the wheels in place unless that is your normal building style.

Looking forward to see your build! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the advice. I was planning on doing that anyways, not that big a fan of workable track. Did the same thing on the tracks for the Amusing hobby Vk 30.02 DB. Hopefully the tracks won’t be too much trouble, and the runs do look pretty long…

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As planned I managed t ostart the build of my VBL last night during my club session. Not a lot done because we are more chatting than building :laughing:
The detail is nice but the fit is a bit so so. I’ll have to hide some gaps and clean a bit more some parts. The interior is quite detailed so progress will be slow as I intend to paint it in sub-assemblies before gluing them to the lower hull.
The color instructions are “hidden” in the general painting instructions on a separate leaflet and not given during the assembly steps.



Nice start, Olivier

35th bro, you are right. The tracks are pretty long. Make to have time and energy for it.

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You know, I think it’s a universal thing cause the same thing happens at our club build meetings. :joy: