The Big 3 Universes - Star Wars-Star Trek - BSG

@Johnnych01 am here!

I started for the Camo campaign the Bandai Star Destroyer 1/14500 in version ‘Errant Venture’,the model it’s built and primed,i add some masking on some of the panels…but…but…but…i have a big existential crisis already from the Camo campain,or I try to modify by adding Greeblies and so on on the tiny Bandai :hot_face: or i restart from scratch by modifying a star destroyer in STL file which is much simpler and then I print it … I print or I don’t print, this is the dilemma… :thinking:

Anyway …this ship become canon only this year in June with the release of a Disney book “Shadow of the Sith”, such as Legends exists for years on books (1997),comics and videogame, a “Official” image does not really exist, the various images are more iterpretations, also because it is the only Destroyer in private hands, it is a Millennium Falcon on steroids, highly modified over time,a huge piece of junk, it leaves a lot of room for the imagination, the only 2 sure things is that it is a Destroyer and it is painted in red but also there depending on the book and time line it’spainted completely or only partially.

The ship in Imperial hands was known as the Virulence, during he’s last battle it was conquered for the rebellion by Booster Terrik a smuggler who at the end of the war kept it and transformed it into the largest Casino / Smuggler / Black market Ship of the galaxy, however always available to the rebellion / republic, Ben Solo the son of Han and Leia in legends it’s born on board of this ship.

after the intro a couple of pictures …

Picture the face of the hardware store salesman when asked for enough red to paint an entire Star Destroyer… :fearful:


I’ve seen a few different interpretations of the Errant Venture done using the old Ertl kit. A lot used parts from other kits (ships, trucks etc…) fixed to the outside making additional docking ports, cargo bays etc. All very effectively done. Will be watching your build with interest.
I’ve often wondered if the writers idea of painting it red was inspired by Red Dwarf?

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I would be surprised if the first writer was a Red Dwarf fan

The Errant Venture give you so much room because in every appearance its different and because never show up in any movie or cartoons the imagination can go pretty wild …i find only 2 images “official” and very different one to another

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So Lister was a technician on the Errant Venture too?



Actually now i think about it i have the STL file of the Starbug ship from Red Dwarf in my virtual stash


Take more than 3 weeks to paint that sm#@ging ship!

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Do it!

I would love to build a Starbug. If I ever knew anyone who had a 3D printer it would be the first thing I’d ask for.


i can recommend someone who is reasonably priced if you like.

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Ok I have committed myself (or need committing lol) to this one. Just ordered from evil bay.


It’s only a basic entry level kit, but I just fancied this one. Hopefully should be a laugh building and painting it :+1:

Does anyone know what size it is ?


Is it the 1/2500 or 1/1400 version?

I’ve got the larger one so I might be able to get a rough size. From what I remember it’s quite long but not very wide or deep.
The Sovereign was supposed to be a smaller class of ship, more better suited to combat than the Galaxy.

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Let me know and I’ll check it out.
Probably won’t be in the market until at least the new year anyway.

1/1400 and builds out to 19” long.


I would have preferred 1/1000 to match the other kits.

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AMT does have 1/1000 Enterprise B.

Polar Lights has a number of 1/1000 Enterprises that Round2 also owns.

A consistent scale would be great, unfortunately AMT were all over the place!
The refit Enterprise, Reliant and K’Tinga were 1/537. The Enterprise C, D and E were 1/1400. The Defiant was around the 1/400 area. Only their Excelsior-class ships were at 1/1000.
And I’m not even sure what the Klingon BoP, Romulan Warbird and Cardassian Galor were scaled at!

Thank the styrene god’s that Polar Lights standardised on 1/1000 and 1/350.

Yes, but not all of R2/Polar Lights kits are consistent across the range of Enterprises. The TOS, Refit, and Excelsior/Enterprise-B with mad scratchbuilding are and have the Klingon and Romulan TOS ships to join them, but I would love to have every Enterprise on display in a constant scale to compare size.

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Cheers Ryan and Stephen @phantom_phanatic … It is the 1/4000 one… And bloody hell, I didn’t think it would be that big …now I’m worried lol…


Yes, had forgotten the TOS kits were another funny scale.
The cutaway was another strange size wasn’t it? But apparently the most accurate until the Polar Lights kit.

Managed to get a shot of my E dry fitted. Looks about 52-53cm in length. So yes, a decent sized model!

Let me have a look to see if I still have the downloadable Aztec decals for this this kit saved. If you can print your own decals they might be of interest to you.


Jesus, now I have seen it like that, god knows where I will be keeping it lol…
Not sure what the decals are but thanks in advance if you do have them :+1:

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This might be of use to anyone working on one of the AMT Trek kits.
They’re downloadable decal sheets for the Aztec paneling.
The instructions state to print at full size on clear inkjet or laser decal paper.
Pretty much all of the AMT Enterprise’s are here, along with a few others.

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