The Fine Art of Decals

I am working on a Kinetic 1/32 F-86 I rescued from the Shelf of Doom. I’ve actually gotten to the decal stage and was putting on the yellow/black fuselage stripe when guess what: it shattered. Damn.

I found the old Cutting Edge Sabre Stencils sheet for sale from The Fine Art of Decals. Has anyone ever ordered from them? I don’t want to plunk down the $30 and get screwed.



I haven’t myself but that is Mr Cutting Edge, Dave Klaus’s site.

Wondered about that. I had kind of a run-in with him some years back and he black-balled me. Wonder if he’d remember?

Michael :israel: :stuck_out_tongue:

Dave like many other decal manufacturers are a different bunch of folks so hard to say the length of grudge they hold. Might depend on the offense.

I bought his Pyn-Up decals for Dick Bong’s P-38. Excellent decals, but in a post somewhere I pointed out that there were no directions or indications for what to do with the right side of the nose. Guess he didn’t like that. C’est la guerre.

Michael :israel: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Microscale makes a liquid decal film which I have used to preserve fragile decals. I usually pick a decal from the kit (or other) sheet and sacrifice it to determine how fragile they are. If t hey seem to need it, I apply the liquid decal film.

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That’s what I should have done. Too late now.

I spent yesterday afternoon masking the heck out of things and am going to try to paint them on. I have a bad habit of laying on the white too thick, and will try to avoid that this time, but painting it over bare metal is not something I’m looking forward to.

Michael :israel: :confounded:

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