Just picked up some new items for this campaign; @Panzer_modeler , I’ve decided to follow your example and build up the HobbyBoss 2A6M. It arrived yesterday at Great Hobbies, and I’m going to give er a shot. Barracuda too, for that I’m going to use the AK mimetic net. I’m going to try my hand at sculpting resin figures too (or at least the CG634 helmet ), there’s just too few of them on the market.
As I am expecting this one to be delivered tuesday, I might build that one as well, which would mean I will be building 2 kits… and I have seen pictures of them in UN white, which I like a lot, so will probably make them in that color…
Excellent kit, I can’t wait to see it get built up UN vics are always really cool, and it’s neat to see the various weathering possibilities that can be applied.
Depending on what’s on the workbench that still needs finishing and time, I might enter with that CSM Armoured Autocar.
Looks like it should be a fairly straightforward build.
A WNW Rumpler that’s taken 4 years to get built, painted and decalled. Just final assembly and rigging to do on that. An Italeri F-4D, Tamiya Bf-109E, CANT Z1007, a few small scale afv’s, some figures. Probably a few other things I can’t remember starting. In all honesty some could be boxed up and stored. Only the CANT is for a campaign and desperate to get that Rumpler done. Just so I can at least say I completed a WNW!