The strangest GAZ-AAA I have ever seen

The cab has incorrect proportions like all other CCKW kits by HobbyBoss,
substitute with cabs from Italeri kits.
Another option is to substitute a complete GAZ-AAA chassis …


You would know how surprised we were at this! “The Chinese, of course, have outdone themselves, but maybe closer to the release of the model they will still correct the wild name.
In our Internet stores, the name GAZ-AAA is removed from the name of the product, and in the description they write this: “… GMC CCKW-352 truck chassis, supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease.


You could also use ICM’s Studebaker chassis.


ICM already makes a full kit of the Studebaker US6 BM-13.

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That would be ICM 35512

Edit: and Gino beat me to it by a few seconds

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And here I thought the GAZ-AAA was the Russian-licensed Ford Model A truck with a third axle added! Even the folks at HobbyBoss should be able to research the difference between the Ford and GMC trucks…

Still, they can trot out the incorrect tooling from their CCKW-352 kits one more time!


So…this discussion caused me to look up the model in the original post. As best I can tell, it is a pre-order item coming in the next few months. Having just read three reviews for earlier CCKW models by Hobby Boss, they actually seem pretty okay.

At the risk of being the serious guy when everyone is telling jokes, is there really a problem with Hobby Boss CCKW cab proportions?

As background, I finished a MiniArt GAZ-AAA about 2 months ago and have an ICM Studebaker US6 U4 sitting right in front of me, almost finished. These are the first two trucks I have ever built in 1/35 scale. The Studebaker was a fun project even though it is an older model. I would not mind building another Studebaker, especially a better model as a Katyuhsa type.


The total length, from grille to cab rear wall is OK.
The fenders are too long causing the front edge of the doors to be pushed back and squash the cab.
Tamiya and Italeri cabs have much better proportions. This has been discussed at length in the old forum with drawings, photos and measurements.

The whole discussion:


Okay. I kinda feel sorry for the people at Hobby Boss. They seem to try hard but mess up a lot.

So, is Italeri 6271 still considered a decent model? I know it dates back to the 1970s. A new issue of that one just showed up at Scale Hobbyist for $30 US.

How about Tamiya 35218? That one dates from 1997 but I saw a really nice, out of the box build not too long ago.

Kinda wanted to build a Katyusha, though.

Edit: Read the thread you linked. Thanks.

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The Italeri cab will fit the HobbyBoss chassis.
The Italeri door is not 100% perfect but it is closer than HB’s attempt.
HB on the left, Italeri on the right, lousy pictures but I was in a hurry.
I have resized the images so that the ridge below the door handle is the same width
which shows the Italeri door to be “lower”, different ratio between height and width.

HB’s door is too rounded on top, Italeris is too flat. Compare with the linked photo
in my previous post
I consider Italeris cab to be closer to correct than HB’s.

Top of door more rounded than Italeris, width-height ratio better in Italeris doors.

A CCKW driver by HB would have to have short legs to get in between the seat backrest and the firewall …

I have bought a bunch of Italeri hard top CCKWs (Italeri no 201, 6271, 271 or Testors no 855) to take the cabs from. Water tank Truck, Testors 855 (1982)

HB’s fenders are way off due to being too long
Note the rather sharp curve, almost a corner where the fender curves down in front of the door

The Tamiya CCKW is a soft top and thus NOT suitable for a Katyusha.

Just for fun.
International Harvester, fender is one continous curve, rather attractive in its simplicity.
The door is more squashed, like HB’s door but too many other differences:

Studebaker, angular fender, small ventilation window in the door and sloping windshield:
US6 tractor
That cab is almost like a sports car, I could totally see that cab on a lowrider style hot rod,
a six wheel hot rod … crew cab back to just in front of the rear wheel and then a shortened
cargo bed …


Are GMC CCKW and Studebaker US6 type trucks pretty much the same thing? My knowledge of all thinks truck is close to nil. I do know a lot trucks from that era were license built copies of older designs, such as the GAZ-AAA essentially being a very old Ford design.

I kinda wonder if Italeri released those new (old) CCKWs just so people can purchase them and plunder the cabs.

Oh well. I will nix the Katyusha idea and build something already in my closet.

Really like the tractor and trailer in that last picture.

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I think, though I could be wrong, that they used many common parts (axles, wheels et.c) but it could be that GMC, IH and Studebaker just delivered to a common requirement.
The USSR loved the “Studer”, IH mostly went to US Navy and maybe USMC.
The US Army wanted open cabs for the low profile (fold the windshield and no stakes on the load bed)
since they were supposedly easier to conceal in the terrain and the driver got better situational awareness.
Russian winter gave closed cabs an advantage.

There is the Studebaker Katyusha by ICM no 35512,
ZiL Katyusha by HobbyBoss no 83846.
Italeri did one too, no 6242, but that one is more work, the grille had a lot of flash and the rubber wheels are F-ugly. This may have resurfaced in a Zvezda box, no 3521, but I haven’t seen the plastic so don’t take my word for it.
Either of these Katyusha carriers in USSR service should have tractor style wheels, like these:
Something about Russian “roads” …


Thanks again for the information. The ICM Katyusha may work for me, even if it has the wrong tires, but I’ll hold off for now. Maybe a different accurate and easy truck will come along.

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The tires are not totally wrong. The USSR did use the US style tires as well but the
tractor style is more “prototypical”, it’s like weathering, trucks get dirty and worn …

The first ICM Studebaker kit had tires where the pattern wasn’t offset (ridge opposite ridge, instead of ridge opposite not ridge).
PMMS review here
ICM revised the wheel sprue for the Katyusha kit so those are OK
Cookie Sewells review: ICM 1/35 scale kit No. 35512; BM-13-16N WWII Soviet Multiple Launch Rocket System Review by Cookie Sewell


The tire issue you mention came to my attention when building an ICM Studebaker US6 U4 (which did not have the problem).

Even on a model with the wrong tires, it is super easy to fix.

Scalemates does not show any tires like the ones in your last picture.

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Those are for the ZiS-151

(developed after WW II), included as examples of the type of tyres the USSR used.
They popped up when I was looking a ZiL/ZiS type trucks.
I think there are some tractor style wheels with more suitable rims (CCKW or Studebaker)

I think these Soviet postwar wheels look very similar to the CCKW rims

but they are NOT the same pattern as the wartime US tyres

The standard US tyres are perfectly OK to use for a wartime Katyusha carrier.
There is no need to go chasing after the tractor style tyres.
I still want some but that is my problem…
These tyres:
Both types in the same illustration (Tankograd book)


Still waiting for a IHC M-5-H6 in 1/35th scale…



You too, huh?

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Got it. Something in my closed may have tires with that tread pattern. They look familiar. I’ll add the ICM (Studebaker US6?) my hunting list.

Going back to another picture you linked, is there hard top, World War II era tractor with a fifth wheel hitch out there? Are there any freight trailers for something like that? Not a tank transporter with a low boy trailer like the M26. Something akin to a modern, long haul tractor.

Did anyone ever put a whole bunch of rocket rails on a towed trailer and haul that around?

Also, other than the entire front assembly (cab, engine cover, front fenders), is the rest of a Hobby Boss CCKW correct? After reading the older discussions you linked, I am unclear if the frame is also goofed.

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