I am taking a short break from my hind build to work on something simple for a show on the 1st week of Oct. I have not painted in a while due to the complexity of my current build so I decided to battle skill fade by a short side project.
I 3D printed this Monarch mech from Titanfall 2 and the glue in these pics has already been cleaned up.
I am looking for some advice too! I have zero clue about what to put on the base. I was thinking maybe a destroyed road with the robot pushing off a car or something though I do want to keep it simple. What I know is that I want the base to include elements that show the sheer size of this mech which is around 10m/33ft tall.
Any suggestions or recommendations for the base are desperately needed and very appreciated as it is what is stopping me from right now.
I suggest ETSY for 3D printed miniature cars, rubble, etc. ETSY sellers ship all over the world. In fact, ETSY does sell Titanfall mechs although I never bought any even though I wanted one. Perhaps one day…
Images are from ETSY seller DungeonArtifacts which I have not bought from. But it will give you an idea of what is out there on ETSY if you launch a search.
Never played this game but I do know if it. Have to say it is a very cool looking model- even on its own on a base it would look good. The 3d cars look interesting but you could always go for something more simple if you don’t fancy adding another model into the mix.
Something like a road as you mentioned perhaps with some visible road markings- fairly simple to mask that sort of thing. Or a piece of rock or cliff which is usually an easy enough thing to sculpt from clay or putty.
Well, if you’ve got a Mech running down a road, it’s probably best if there’s a reason for it to run. Most obviously, it’s either chasing something or being chased. Being chased is probably a non-starter, as whatever was chasing would have to be bigger/scarier than the Mech. On the other hand, chasing something opens up the opportunity to inject some humour by making whatever is being chased incongruous/ridiculous… My own imagination goes towards a Roadrunner bird, a man on an old-fashioned bicycle/unicycle or mutant alien horse-equivalent beast, or a small, cartoonish, mech similar to a small “Rivets” microgame “Bopper”:
I recently replayed the game that the mech is from and there are certain parts where you are running down a hallway and there is a group of soldiers who are just doing their best to outrun this 40-ton machine.
Quick little update, I have decided on a few things, one of them being the camo scheme. Since the mech will be in an urban environment I decided to give it a greyish blue colour. Luckily, I found someone’s art depicting a camo for it that fits perfectly. I know the blue is a lot more purple but I wanted a more light Navy colour.
I have put down and post-shaded the first blue layer. I also usually highlight even small details with an even lighter colour but I plan to do that once all the colours are blocked in first.
I have also started on a base that will be a collapsed road. I started to block out the shape and how the mech will stand on it. I am just trying to get the general shape here so no proper cracks in the payment or anything yet.
At first, I wanted to do a collapsed bridge with plenty of rebar and pipes exposed under the road and I still might but, for now, I simply plan to do some dirt and rubble in the crack which I also plan to make much wider and bigger than the dry fit in the pics.
I want to have some jersey barriers as the median or maybe a simple raised one with a collapsed light pole. I also want to have a crushed car that the other leg will be pushing off that I have actually kind of wanted to sculpt.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome as I am mostly winging it for the design.
I did want to paint it up first but I wasted a whole day trying to mask this thing so I could use the airbrush but ended up giving up halfway through and deciding to brush paint the scheme from here.
I also decided to sculpt the car the mech will be stepping on. I decided to go near-future in style and have sculpted the general shape out of some styrofoam. Note, the car is smaller than what it needs to be as I will be adding some 2 part putty over the blank here.
I might add some road debris as well but have not fully decided on what, maybe some cables or a turned-over sign. I went back to some levels and the dirt roads and general terrain were not too different from ours.
Any ideas for the base are welcome as I need some more inspiration.
Looking good right now- the car certainly shows off the scale of the mech very nicely. In terms of stuff on the road I think some debris and cables would likely suit the scene well- you also mentioned jersey barriers which you could paint bright warning colors on (like yellow or orange) to draw the eye- or perhaps a road sign with a bright color.
The base paint has been blocked in. I stripped the previous paint and tried to match the colours a bit more to the OG pic. The main colours have been blocked in but not modulated too much. I have marked all the metallic parts as dark grey as well for now and none of the hydraulics have been painted yet but the colour should be blocked in.
It’s not bad or anything but it’s nothing special.
Let me know what you guys think. I would be down to mix and match patterns and colours!
I also picked up some old decals for 12 bucks at a local hobby store meant for a 1/72 Hornet. I plan to use plenty of these decals as the mech has A LOT of them plus, additional ones from old kits.
I also picked out some emblems that I wouldn’t mind putting in the front under the “eye”. All of them in the game have one there. These are my options:
Really love the camo work on this- very eye catching but quite in keeping with the game artwork. I think you have chosen the colors well. I like the idea for decals too- but I can’t really say about the gun as they all look cool!
I have decided on what gun camo I want to use and have finished up the camo work on it, though there is still A LOT of painting to do on the gun as there are tons of tiny details and colours on the gun that will break up the camo quite a lot.
The dark grey camo came out too dark but I think it will be fine. Some touch-ups to do on the camo as I did everything with the airbrush and a ton of tiny masking tape pieces. I know white and orange are typically the hardest to brush paint which is why I chose to do it with an airbrush.
Bonus pic of the mech turning into a swamp monster
Also, quite possibly the most exciting part is that I, after looking at the 3D design page that I bought this from, found figures from the game. Here is what they look like with the mech for scale. ( I still need to clean up the supports on them and fix the knife on one of them)
The one with the rifle will be somewhere on the ground level while the one with the handgun will be using his ‘jump-pack’ to leap off a light pole or maybe a signal light, or direction sign to give an element of verticality to the scene.
While I loved the camo on the gun, once I took off the masking on the mech itself I realized my worst fear: the colours were just clashing too much. I stripped all the paint off the gun and I am currently in the process of repainting it in the same pattern but with these colours:
I have also done some work on the base, adding a futuristic-looking light pole. I wanted it to lean slightly as that would look the best with one of the soldiers using his jump-pack to leap off the edge. I made it look as if it was ripping off the concrete. I also gave it a little kink about halfway up the pole and I plan to paint damage there to make it look as if it was hit by something, bending and uprooting it.
Interesting way you’ve done that light- you’ve clearly thought about it quite a lot and I think it shows as it looks excellent. A solar panel might be an interesting idea. The only thing I could suggest, and having not played the game I’m not entirely sure if this would be relevant, would be to add stickers and small signs to the light. Even now in some big cities you see stickers for bands, events etc on lamp-posts and street furniture. Some decal paper and some bright squares (not sure of the exact scale as to whether you could see writing or detail) might add a bit of visual interest. You could also airbrush them in with a bit of masking tape.