Wow! Thanks for all your kind comments, guys! Never expected that. Glad to hear, that you like my latest works. VF-41 Wildcat is the most colourful aircraft I’ve built to date. No talking about camouflage here …
Joel, over here in Europe I have visited several airshows over the years (not lately though) but I’ve never seen a Hellcat or a Wildcat there. If there are some in airworthy conditions, they must be all in North America or maybe in UK. Also in museums I can’t remember seen one of those here.
Dragos, I can recommend both Eduard kits, Wildcat and Hellcat, to add to your collection. They are a fun to build. The landing gear of the F4F is a bit difficult to assemble, but you get the parts together. Older but still decent kits are also coming from Hasegawa (Hellcat) and Hobbyboss (Wildcat). I have a few of them in my stash. My skills are nothing special. There are many guys here at Kitmaker who are far better than me, also in smaller scales. You’re talking about the size of the real machines and I took some photos of my models for comparison. Here you can see that a Hellcat is far bigger than a Wildcat …
… and a comparison between a Wildcat and a Bf 109. They have both about the same length, but the 109 is slender. Or - as I said before - the Wildcat is a flying barrel …
Spitfire, glad to hear that you appreciate the “no weathering look” of my builds, or, as Joel calls it, the museum quality. I’m not really a fan of weathering, for my taste it’s often overdone and looks unreal, especially on modern military jets, vehicles and tanks. I prefer them clean, it’s my “personal note”. But that’s to everyone’s personal taste. You asked, what I do next. Well, something completely different. I joined the Convoy Campaign and have opened a new build blog at the truck section of the Automodellers Forum for my little Tempos …
Tempo A400 Lieferwagen + E400 Hochladerpritsche - Automotive / Trucks - KitMaker Network
Haven’t done much so far, just started cleaning the parts with methylated spirit. Hope to have finished both builds by early May for our own model show … Maybe some of you like to have a look in there from time to time.