Trafficking model kits

I returned to the hobby 4 years ago.

When I informed SWMBO, she only said “Don’t spend too much on this- we have plans for holidays around the globe”. I didn’t have such plans, so I accepted her remark as a general idea…

But the increasing flow of modelling related supplies drew her attention and she kept repeating we have plans e.t.c.Getting tired of hearing about our plans, I started smuggling small size supplies(paint, tools e. t.c.).

Then one day I bought a set of compressor and airbrush- and while driving home I decided I won’t try to hide it- the carton box was quite big and hard to conceal.

SWMBO was not at home, so I had enough time to choose where to place the box.I left it in the open, close to the TV furniture.

SWMBO came home… and nothing… not a question, not even a raised eyebraw.
And that for 2 days…

Then on the third day I opened the box and started assembling the gadgets. She came and told me- Don’t think that I didn’t see the box! What’s in there? You haven’t forget that we have plans, haven’t you?
I said- No, I haven’t forget and that’s an airbrush.
She took a look and asked-What can you do with this?
I said- I can paint your nails.
She-Really?!? And I saw a smile again…


Same situation here. No hiding, no stress, no hassle. But that is also because I refrain from excessive buying, I have an unbuild “collection” of an estimated 30 kits or so (estimates vary :slight_smile: ). If you can’t park the car in the garage anymore because it is top to bottom, back to front full with unbuilt models, and the same for the attic, the spare bedroom, and half of the kitchen cabinets (as I know a case) then I can well understand that someone not addicted to plastic can get a bit frustrated.

From a previous life, I can sympathise with a few of the stories here. Not allowing the partner to enjoy a hobby (whether it is modelling, fishing, football or anything else) is often part of a wider power and manipulation game, aiming at controlling the other one.

That being said, this is a great hobby, one learns about history, and some technology… I just don’t give a xxxx what others think about it!


Nice save. You can put nail polish through the gun but it’s a pain to clean, BTDT.

I am not a smart man but even I won’t try that.

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She never asked me, but if she does, my answer will be- I am still not good enough to paint your nails :wink:


Tamiya clear red isn’t nail polish?

Idk. I have shot straight up nail polish because that is the color my daughter wanted on her derby car. How could I say no.

My wife is a candidate for sainthood, not only does she put up with me; she doesn’t complain about the hobby much - unless the stash begins to encroach beyond the boundaries of my fortress of solitude. Then she has been known to squawk. I can carry stuff in openly (unlike with my ex-), but it still goes straight to the basement because that’s where the workshop (aka fortress of solitude) is.

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You will not believe me; REPEAT: you will NOT believe me!!! but the worst I have seen (yes, actually SEEN) was:

The whole house, except the kitchen, the toilet and part of the bathroom, and part of the living room. Actually, one could not go to the attic anymore, or the second floor, because the stair was full of boxes.

Then there were the garages… 14; that is not a typing mistake; 14 garages back to front, bottom to top… all boxes, more boxes than any hobby shop I know.

No, he was not trading, no he did not know what he had in stock and yes, he was in serious debt…


Yes, but she looks great with late-war splinter 3-tone camo fingernails! :grin:


Sounds like a horder mental issues. :cry:

SWMBO’s romance with my hobby is sort of hit and miss affair:

Before I returned to the hobby, I constantly found some CA retail packs she bought and stored close to the dining table.
I raised the question (Why?) when I found 3 cured CA droplets on the table surface one day.
I was explained she needs the CA to repair any fingernail tip that has broken off…
Now I always have CA in stock and she stopped buying the smal retail packs :wink:

On the other hand- I once decided to paint 3 eggs for Easter…
Here is the story:



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: FWIW, straight up ordinary nail polish is just gloss lacquer paint. If you want to airbrush your wife’s (or significant other’s) nails, go ahead. Just use lacquer thinner to clean afterward…

On the other hand, the newer UV light cured nail polishes are the same stuff used in resin 3D MSLA printers and those would be hideous to clean out of an airbrush! Do not spray that stuff - but if you do, IMMEDIATELY clean it out using 90% or higher isopropyl alcohol. If that stuff gets exposed to natural light and cures in your AB, time for a new AB.

But the ordinary, old school stuff - no problem. (In fact, some model car builders have used finger nail polish as a paint for years since there are so many bright “custom” colors available.)


Your absolutely right, Tony ! I never sneak models in . If I go to a show I spent $200 - $300, whatever ,on models she doesn’t say a word ! I don’t question what she spends either . I give her my Christmas wish list and she orders them for me too . When I order on line , it comes and she hands it to me. I have about 10 in my stash, but will have more after the holidays !


Sounds like AMSH - Advanced Modeling Syndrome Horder. Where I used to live there was a husband who had 6,000+ kits and other stuff filling the basement of a large house. The couple was very affluent so it wasn’t a financial burden but it was clearly out of control.

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One of the club car guy does this and what lead to me trying it.

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I’m having a hard time understanding the fingernail polish comments. Couldn’t you just use Olive Drab or Panzer Gray then cover them with clear acrylic gloss? Would Pledge floor polish work? Oh the possibilities…
Take care and stay safe friends,
Don “Lakota”



Would Pledge floor polish work? Oh the possibilities…

Bringing any cleaning type product within reach of SWMBO is asking for trouble…


Simply transfer it to some other bottle …

Some colors are easier to get in nail polish paint and I would go through the trouble with generic colors like the ones you listed. They have a better range if you want a pink, purples or candy colors out of the bottle as I recall. I think the ladies have a clear coat that would work better then future for nails.