Trumpeter German Fennek LGS

Hi all
here is my newest project. Trumpeter originally released the Dutch version and some years later the German one came out.

It comes with an interior which I haven’t glued yet to facilitate the painting. The large PE plate help detail the interior as well as many other exterior details.

The wheels are not glued as they include polycaps.



This is a nice model. I have built the dutch version with a slat armor some years ago.

One missing element is the front mudguards.

Mudguards added on my model made with hair of a soft brush.


If you want build something special, attach the velcro pads for Baracuda MCS.


It’s a bit scaring :smile:
The version in your pictures is a 1A2 if I’m correct. Does the basic version in the kit have the velcro pads as well ?
Is there an official pattern for fixing the pads ?


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Yes, there are Fennek A1 with the pads. Can´t tell about the standardization of the pattern.

You an also try the vehicle with MCS matts attached.

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Armies around the world are so much the same. You KNOW there’s a tech bulletin on exactly where to install those Velcro pads!

NO Sir!

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The MCS pads come in kit form from SAAB.

A friend of mine told me that the pads get attached by the crews.


It’s fun to watch this workshop in your performance. I’ve often thought about this vehicle, but…somehow it doesn’t fit into the concept of my collection,


All the parts of the interior are assembled and ready for the painting. Then I’ll have to apply the decals to the dashboard. Trumpeter give you a large decal to cover the whole dashboard. Considering the numerous push buttons and dials which are in relief I don’t think it’s a good idea to use it as it is. I’ll cut it into several parts to facilitate the application. Even that way I can’t guarantee the final result.



Building up nicely Olivier. Interesting vehicle as well.

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you can go wild with electronics and cables…if anything is visible

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I fear very little will remain visible. However I’ll see what I can do.



Thankfully, relativly few can be seen through the windows.

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Even with your great walkaround at Prime Portal it’s hard to find how all the cables and wires run. So I guess I’ll choose the easier option: adding only what I’m sure of.



A few years ago @HermannB very kindly helped me with a Fennek build- including providing a very detailed walk-around and shots of the interior. I believe I shared them with the build log on the old armorama. However, they were on photobucket so probably not visible anymore. I will post them again here for you in case you want to add any detail. Hope you don’t mind Hans-Hermann- all credit to yourself for actually taking the pics and then sending them to me back when I needed them.


Hi Karl, no problem with this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Beautiful photographic material :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I post tomorrow some images of the closed model. Is anyone interested if I post my Fennek pics on the reference site?


Well you can thank @HermannB for that! The interior of these things is really small despite the fact it looks big and wide. Every inch of space is packed with kit.

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