Trumpeter Mk VII

How the hell did you steal my mini pliers and pin vice ? :grin:

Can we give you the Forum-junkie award?

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There is at least two others I know about that would qualify for that award.


Blame work ā€¦ and it being very quiet as everyone is still on leave at the momentā€¦ But I do like to keep up to date with everything ā€¦ :grin:


Thanks guys and thank you so much for the great piece of advice. I Always thought that the tracks should be wrapped around the gun barrel like bacon on a hot dog. You saved me from admitting a embarrassing misunderstanding of a fundamental part of armour design!

So here it is! I have no clue about how accurate the kit is but it looks good from here and I am looking forward to building it. I do not know if Iā€™m going to build a Egyptian Js3 or a Russian one, it will depend on what Iā€™m in the mood for when that time comes and what paints I have available. I will build it OOB and paint it with brushes and sponges.

/ Emil


All of the under bits are done minus the prop guards because of some simply massive ejector marks that will need some putty and sanding.

Everything needed a fair bit of clean up but fit is excellent so far. Some minor plumbing in place for the hydraulic lines that actuate the outriggers. I briefly contemplated having them deployed, but it was going to require some significant scratch work involving material and to a lesser extent, skills which I do not possess.

Also shot a little primer into the hard to get places.


Looks and sounds like a good plan Emil. Will be nice watching this get built up :+1:

Looks good Don. And even if you do have the crane deployed, you wouldnā€™t always need the outriggers down, itā€™s only for certain angles or if weights get to a certain safety margin. Good idea about doing the primer in those areas nowā€¦ Will have to remember that for mine.

Spent the day plugging away on the Husky.

Fiddly bits galore today. Managed to get everything on without breaking a shovel handle or cocking up the PE too badly.

Left off tow ropes, antenna and other stuff that gets in the way or broken. Also, props to Trumpeter, that tow bar on the side is actually articulated with pins (lost one, hence the brass) and you could actually use it in a dio if you were so inclined.

More tools and bits. Hull isnā€™t actually together yet, still need to set up the rear doors and such.

Wasnā€™t all that impressed with my Cougar variant of the AVGP but this Husky is warming my heart.


Wow youā€™re really off to a flying start! Looks great.

Ive had sometrouble keeping my balance between work and my beautiful daughter who wants to steal daddyā€™s modeling tools. I have managed to assemble the road wheels between the diaper changes and nap times.

/ Emil


Been there buddy. Mine are old enough now to be self sufficient. Itā€™ll get better, donā€™t worry.


At least until you get your lobotomy around the time she turns 16. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wave:

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They wait that long? I been told that for years now. I would like a refund.

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16? You must not have daughters. They start getting really bad around 10!

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LOL, mineā€™s 39, with teenagers of her own, and Iā€™m still in recovery. :wave:


Happy new year to all.

Here is my progress so far.


Thatā€™s looking cracking Don, you gotta be happy with that. Some lovely detailing on the kit pieces and your PE has upped itā€™s game even further. Lovely work :+1::+1:

Thanks buddy.

Itā€™s a shame the PE for this kit is so limited as thereā€™s a fair few things that could be upgraded. I guess I could have gone for some generic PE tool clamps, or gone hunting for another LAV detail set, but cā€™est la vie.

Great progress with the T80 Igor. Will be good watching this take shape. I have a Zvezda T90 Iā€™m waiting to build as first Russian MBT. :+1:

I know this isnā€™t a race, but Iā€™ve got a bunch of projects lined up for this year, and this kit is just building it self, so I might as well go with the momentum.

Iā€™m by no means a rivet counter, and Iā€™m willing to forgive a fair amount of inaccuracy in exchange for a satisfying end product. However. The tail lights on this kit were just unconscionably bad.

Kit on the right and my upgrade on the left. I forgot to take a picture of the in between, but Iā€™ve hollowed them out and put a piece of clear sprue on behind paint up in red/orange for the combined light package.

I melted the protective bars a little bit cleaning up all the chewed up plastic with a little cement, and you almost canā€™t see the lenses, but theyā€™re still miles away from what the kit supplies.

Also got the hull tub completely assembled.

Next up, the crane arm.