Ukrainian T-72B, 2022 (Dragon 1/35 ft. Florks with ERA)

Greetings everyone!

I’d like to show my finished build of this old Dragon T-72B with ERA - aided by some Ukrainian Florks holding up ERA from the meme :slight_smile: The kit was surprisingly easy to assemble, if albeit problematic in terms of accuracy. I added some 3D printed ERA blocks too, and some of the smaller parts were replaced with bits from the spares. I may have applied too much dust on the model to finish it up, but I don’t mind the dusty look - it just really toned down the contrast on the ERA which I previously worked on.

Anyway, thanks for looking!


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Work in Progress: Ukrainian T-72B (Dragon 1/35) ft. Ukrainian Flork with ERA!