Hey folks, I figured I’d do a short build log for a change rather than doing just finished models:
Finally found the time to work on a vehicle I’ve been meaning to do since the start of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine last year. I didn’t want to crack open a Trumpeter super-kit yet, so when I got my hands on this old Dragon T-72 kit, I knew it was a good opportunity to work on a Ukrainian tank.
After reading up on all the bad reviews on the kit, I was surprised to see that it went together with very little fuss. I did decide to use some spares I had to improve some of the smaller detail. I also added the missing front plate with ERA on the lower hull but I don’t know how I’ll go about gluing that yet. The ERA themselves are 3D printed. Still, I wish I had a replacement gun barrel - the kit is much oversized
After this, the model went through my typical process of priming + basecoating:
Here she is as of this evening. I was also inspired by the recent Ukrainian Flork memes, so I had a friend print an STL of someone who made them for free! (Credit to RattapoomK, link to the STL below)
Hey folks! Did some more painting on the ERA + painted on Ukrainian flags. Sorry for the low quality photo - will take better ones soon.
I love the little florks with the ERA blocks in their hands.
Coming along nicely Nigel!
Thank you all for the kind words. Have been busy this week, so have been working on and off on this kit.
Have done a lot of weathering the since then, but I feel like doing a bit more to tie everything together. Maybe some chipping and another overall dust coat
Greetings everyone!
I’d like to show my finished build of this old Dragon T-72B with ERA - aided by some Ukrainian Florks holding up ERA from the meme The kit was surprisingly easy to assemble, if albeit problematic in terms of accuracy. I added some 3D printed ERA blocks too, and some of the smaller parts were replaced with bits from the spares. I may have applied too much dust on the model to finish it up, but I don’t mind the dusty look - it just really toned down the contrast on the ERA which I previously worked on.
Anyway, thanks for looking!
Very nice and I think the dusting is just fine and not overdone. Looks very good …
I did a thread for built kits from the Ukrainian war …
Built Kits of Vehicles from the Current Ukraine War
Feel free to post some of the finished images there
Thanks John. I’ll post the T-72 and the T-62 I’ve built
Yep they did a fine good job applying all the ERA. I’m kinda excited to see the Leopards with the ERA in action so I can replicate the meme already hehe, I have one extra flork that’s going to be painted as an angry member of the Bundeswehr