Unidentified Flying Object

Group Build Title: Unidentified Flying Object

Group Build Leader(s): @Damraska

Group Build Description: A campaign to reveal the truth behind observed airborne phenomenon that defy explanation.

Event Details: Complete an Unidentified Flying Object of any kind in any scale. All UFOs have the ability to fly in the Earth’s atmosphere but many can also travel in space or underwater. Most UFOs resemble a flying saucer but cigar shaped, spherical, triangular, and unusual craft are also observed. No one seems to know where UFOs come from, who commands them, how they work, or why they are here. UFOs from movies, television, popular culture, and personal inspiration are welcome.

Alternately, build a human machine built to detect, monitor, intercept, contact, or destroy hostile UFOs. Real, conjectural, and imagined craft designed to deal with UFOs are welcome.

Secret project human aircraft that utilize extremely advanced or alien technology, such that they are considered unidentified flying objects by almost everyone, are also allowed.

Figures related to the UFO phenomenon are also allowed including characters from the series UFO, gray aliens, and other beings associated with alien encounter culture.

Participants may build an existing model kit, kit bash multiple model kits, or use scratch building skills. Card, plastic, and wood models are allowed. To encourage the completion of old projects, underway projects at 34% completion or less are allowed.

(Remember to click “Going” if you want to join the build!)

Completion Award:

A Note about Awards: The following text is a reminder that in order for people participating and finishing their projects to receive a badge on their forum profile, they will need to provide their account username to the group build leader by the completion date of the build. The leader will then provide this list to the site admin who will bulk award the badges to those users who have finished the group build. If you don’t provide your username or finish the project on the timetable the leader has setup you will not be able to receive an award.

Additional Clarification:

Television shows featuring UFOs include Invaders, Roswell, and UFO.

Movies featuring UFOs include Close Encounters of the Third Kind and This Island Earth.

Games featuring UFOs include Area 51 and all versions of X-COM.

Alien encounter culture features thousands of unidentified flying objects and hundreds of alien visitor races. Chariots of the Gods and Project Bluebook are examples of books and reports dealing with the UFO phenomenon.

Secret government project aircraft often mistaken for alien spacecraft include German Haunebu flying saucers and Project Aurora trans atmospheric spy planes.

You are welcome to make up your own flying saucer, extraterrestrial craft, secret government aircraft, alien visitor, or man made interceptor.

If you are not sure if something fits the theme of this campaign, please ask. You are encouraged to indulge your imagination.


Available UFO models include:

[This list is in progress…additions made as time allows…]

Atlantis Earth Vs. Flying Saucers (1/283): Alien craft from a 1956 movie of the same name.

Atlantis Flying Saucer (1/72): Alien spacecraft from television series The Invaders. It is an Adamski surgical lamp style UFO.

Atlantis German Valkyrie Flying Saucer (1/???): From the 2012 movie Iron Sky. Probably very hard to find.

Atlantis TR-3E Triangular UFO: Alleged United States Air Force nuclear powered black project aircraft.

Marmit Adamski Type Flying Saucer - Scout Ship from Venus (1/60): First released in 2003 and probably hard to find. Shows where some of the Haunebu designs came from.

Pegasus Hobbies Alpha Centauri UFOs (1/32): Resembles a small scout from the game X-COM: UFO Defense.

Pegasus Hobbies Area 51 UFO (1/72): Final boss from the arcade game Area 51.

Pegasus Hobbies Haunebu II Saucer (1/144): Alleged secret German flying saucer project. Strongly resembles an Adamski style UFO, a fake flying saucer made from a surgical lamp.

Polar Lights Flying Saucer From Another Planet (1/144): C-57D from the 1956 movie Forbidden Planet.

Plan 9 From Outer Space Flying Saucer (1/48): Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Originally released in 1954 with different box art and branding. Ed Wood used these models for the flying saucers in his 1957 film.

Polar Lights UFO from Area 51 (1/48): Originally released by Testors.

Revell Flying Saucer Haunebu II (1/72): Alleged secret German flying saucer project. Strongly resembles an Adamski style UFO.

Squadron Models Haunebu II - Wehrmacht 1946 German Flying Saucer (1/72): Alleged secret German flying saucer project. Strongly resembles an Adamski style UFO.

Takom Haunebu I, II, & III (1/350): Alleged secret German flying saucer projects. Two versions are Adamski style UFOs, a fake flying saucer made from a surgical lamp.

Testors The Roswell UFO (1/48): One of the worst models ever made.


Sounds like this could be fun. I’ll put myself as interested at the moment until I can find something suitable.


what a cool topic!


This reminds me, didn’t Round 2 announce a brand new tooling of the SHADO Interceptor from UFO for release next year?


Are the war of the worlds machines allowed? I mean, we all know they came from Mars at this point, so although they were unidentified at one point, we seem to have that all nailed down now.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I can’t see why not, there have been reports of UFO/non-human contacts from Biblical times or even earlier. A bit of Victorian Sci-Fi/Steampunk action has its attractions; the graphic novel sequel to “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” has the eponymous team taking on H.G. Wells’ Martians (Wells account is part of the official cover-up). Even the Doctor has had a run-in with steampunk Cybermen in that era…
:space_invader: :alien: :robot:



I have many 3D printed armed Sci-Fi trooper figures from ETSY and some custom robots, but they’re not related to any UFO, movie, or TV series. They are their own custom Sci-Fi figure designs. Would they be allowed if I create a story such as UFO X-COM “Team 6,” or “Human Warriors Against UFOs,” or “Robots against UFOs?” Or is that too far out on a limb?

I clicked “Interested.”

Awesome custom UFO badge by the way! I might just want to get this badge next year. It is so eye-catching. :grinning:


I thought the Adamski saucer was made from a chicken egg incubator?

I would love to see an eight engine 1930s Scandinavian ghost flier kit as was frequently described: grey, no markings, some were said to have ski landing gear, well-lit cockpits at night, search lights on the bottom.

Interesting that with all of these Haunebu type saucer kits, no one has made a model of the “Bell.”

The Bell receives some discussion in “The Hunt For Zero Point,” a book I think some of you would enjoy.

Then there is the F-19, which a few claim to have seen.

And I think what Kenneth Arnold saw were Horten Ho-229s operated by the USAAF. So just paint one silver and done!


The F-19! That’s one I remember when I was a kid. We were so convinced it was real. Wonder if Revell still have their 1:144 in the catalogue?




Here is a diorama idea for someone. :smile: :smile:


A quick home(ware) build “Flying Saucer”. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I would love to get Cozmic Scale Models kit of Quarks Treasure and build it into a Roswell crash diorama.


Another diorama idea…

Loop Goat, Experimental Music musician, promotional image


@phantom_phanatic Round 2 representatives announced new models of UFO (the series) vehicles in 2022, confirmed that the project had slipped in 2023, then stated in 2024 that a 1/35 SHADO Mobile would appear in 2025, followed at some point by a SHADO Interceptor. Scale of the latter model is unclear. To my knowledge, Round 2 has not released a drawing or sprue shot of anything related to UFO (the series).

@phil2015 Martian tripods are not allowed because they do not fly, the goal of the Martians when they deploy is obvious, and humans have no hope of resisting them. While UFO related stories often involves a slowly developing, secret alien invasion, the vast majority of humans do not know it is happening, motives of the aliens remain in question, and humans have some capacity to resist.

A flying Martian craft used to survey the Earth, abduct human specimens, and avoid direct contact during a period prior to an overwhelming invasion is very much allowed. A Martian secretly visiting Earth during such a survey phase is also allowed.

I want to avoid making this into another end of the world type campaign.

@MoramarthT What you describe is much more in the spirit of this campaign. Something strange is going on. It may be sinister. Investigation in warranted. The best human technology available may be required to clandestinely monitor and resist.

@Trisaw What you describe is perfect for this campaign. Aliens are sneaking around doing terrible things. A military force is needed to resist them. These events must not become widely known because panic would ensure.

@M70 I cannot remember all the twists and turns but Adamski is believed to have used an egg incubator, lantern top, surgical lamp, and perhaps some other things for various UFOs. At least some versions of the former two items look very similar.

I own a copy of The Hunt for Zero Point but have not read it in about 20 years!

I suspect just about every circular and stealth aircraft generated some unidentified flying object sightings.

I looked for F-19 and Ferret models in the recent past.

@HermannB Custom built flying saucers and flying saucer interceptors are allowed and encouraged.

It is very difficult to put a rope around this campaign because the subject matter is inherently mysterious and vague. Imagination is encouraged.


So it’s likely never going to happen. Like that Akira-class ship they announced 10 years ago.


Almost forgot: the 1897-98 airship sightings, one of which has an artist’s rendering in a book. Which, I forget.

I really wish I had more time to devote to scratch-building something like that.

But this would be easier.



I decided to join with a scratchbuild plastic salat bowl U.F.O. About time to clear my scrap box from ballast.

It is losely based on German TV show “Raumpatrouille Orion”