Unidentified Flying Object

Pegasus Area 51 UFO converted to X-COM Firestorm

This model is the reason this campaign exists. Back in 2008, I had the bright idea of converting the then new Pegasus Area 51 UFO into a Firestorm interceptor from the Microprose game X-COM: UFO Defense.

In the game X-COM, you take control of a secret organization funded by all major nations on Earth through the United Nations. This organization, the Extraterrestrial Combat Force, more commonly known as X-COM, is tasked with finding out who operates UFOs, why they are visiting Earth, and defending against UFO related incidents. Such incidents are increasing at an alarming rate, thus leading to the formation of the X-COM organization.

If this seems very familiar, it almost exactly mirrors the plot of the television series UFO, in which a secret organization called SHADO is funded in a very similar way and tasked with exactly the same objectives.

In X-COM, the player begins with one base at a location chosen by the player. This base comes equipped with three hangers housing two extremely advanced interceptor aircraft, powered by pulse detonation engines, and one very long range tactical assault aircraft with vertical take off and landing capability, These are essentially advanced versions of SHADO’s Sky interceptor and the transport that carries SHADO Mobiles.

Over the course of the game, the player detects and attempts to shoot down UFOs. This leads to ground combat missions to recover each downed alien craft. When material is recovered from an alien craft, scientists may research various artifacts, discover how they work, and eventually learn everything necessary to replicate the technology. New base facilities become available, funding increases allowing construction of more bases, and eventually, it becomes possible to build new interceptors using alien technology.

The first interceptor using alien technology is called Firestorm. It resembles a traditional flying saucer, carries two weapon hard points, is very fast, and makes it possible to take on all but the largest alien craft.

The plan was to cut apart the model and add an engine bay, cockpit, landing gear wells, and weapon hard points, such that the whole would become a Firestorm in 1.35 scale. The cutting apart phase was completed. An engine bay was built. Work began on a cockpit area and landing gear bays. Unfortunately, the design of the model does not facilitate open bays for most of those things. I eventually decided my plan was a bad one and abandoned the project.

The new plan is to strip out almost all the interior work and try again using a different internal arrangement. This will involve a lot of gutting and scratch building.

As I wrote previously, participants are encouraged to use their imaginations when choosing subjects for this campaign.

As another example of a possible project for this campaign, I offer a V150 Commando armored car modified for assaulting UFO crash sites.

The idea here was to upgrade an armored car with alien technology. The main gun was replaced by a scratch built fusion cannon. The body was to receive additional armor plates cut from the full of a crashed UFO. It would also carry a blaster launcher, a kind of missile launcher firing fusion bomb projectiles.

Once again, imagination is encouraged.

@phantom_phanatic Unfortunately, there is no way to know if and when the promised models will appear. Should the future situation warrant a second installment of this campaign, I am willing to run it, perhaps using a SHADO logo for the campaign badge.

@HermannB Excellent! That is very much in the spirit of this campaign. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. :slightly_smiling_face:


With any luck it will arrive at some point. Round 2 seem to take forever to release anything and then us in the UK have an even longer wait to make it over here (and price hike).
Anyway, I’m going to have a look around for one of those Revell F-19’s. Although if I delve into secret aircraft projects, there are probably lots that are the cause of UFO sightings. I remember reading years ago about test flights of the SAAB Viggens rough field capability, being the cause of UFO sightings in rural Sweden in the late 60’s and 70’s. And if you were to see it rise up from head on, you can definitely see how it would have scared people!

Looking forward to seeing your project. UFO Enemy Unknown was one of my favourite games on the Amiga growing up, although I could never get very far with it. Have played a couple of the newer versions but I really should revisit the original and see if I can finally complete it.


I believe the 1:72nd " MIG 37B FERRET E" is in the current Italeri catalogue.




According to Scalemates, the 1/72 Ferret was last released in 2017. They appear on eBay from time to time.

The 1/72 F-19 was last released in 1991. That one also appears on eBay at much higher prices.

The 1/72 Monogram F-19 was last released in a usable form in 1987. Again, I have only seen it on eBay at high prices.

Of the three, I like the Testors/Italeri F-19 best. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: All three can be had for about $30 US on eBay.


I’ve got myself the Revell 1/144 on order as I found a few cheap. No luck here with 1/72. One Monogram going for £95!

The Italeri Mig-37 is a contender though.


Found the ideal subject. HO gauge U.F.O. crash or Roswell-Incident-in-a-box.

Just have to paint the landscape into NM colors.


Oh whoa! I have never seen that before. How cool is that?


Last time I saw a flying saucer was when I goosed a waitress. :alien: :space_invader:


Does this work?


Have you noticed the Men in Black? They will soon put out their Flash Thingies.


Well, glue a clear dome to the top of the saucer, paint it silver, hang it from a tree with some fishing line, take a picture, show it to her, and explain that you were abducted by aliens after taking the picture. They are making you do strange things. It was totally not your fault.

A Klingon Bird of Prey actually does qualify since it appears as a UFO in Star Trek III: We Should Not Have Killed Off Spock. The first starship Enterprise also qualifies, since it appears as a UFO in Tomorrow is Yesterday. The F-104 Starfighter that attempts to intercept the Enterprise also qualifies.

I am going to disqualify normal satellites. While satellites are occasionally reported as UFOs, it is fairly easy to investigate and solve those sorts of sightings. On the other hand, if you want to build a secret stealth satellite equipped with a bomb pumped x-ray LASER, that no one can prove exists, go for it.


Not sure if this qualifies, but … 1/32 scale GMS-5 (Himiwari 5) Geostationary Meteorological Satellite. Launched - March 1995. Decommissioned - 2005. Location: 140 degrees Longitude, 36,000 km altitude. Built for KOLO-TV (Reno) Chief Meteorologist Jeff Thompson.


Those things do not work on people from my planet.


The one more UFO kit for HO gauge. Racing version this time.


I love the fins on the back.

It just occurred to me that I have never been to Area 51 and it is not that far away. I should drive up there some weekend. Maybe make it part of a camping trip or model show visit.

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Voyager as well. There was that 2-part episode where they travelled back to LA in the 90’s and did a low-altitude flyover that was captured on camera and reported as a UFO in the episode.
But yes I had that TOS episode in mind myself. Quite a good episode from what I remember.


A hypothetical question. Which military vehicle would be the first to reach the Roswell crashsite? Jeep, Beep or GMC truck? Which branch? AAF or USAF. I checked the net for HO gauge Jeeps and there is almost nada.


An interesting question. It’s been a few years since I’ve delved into the Roswell story, but from what I remember the first person from the USAAF supposedly on the scene was Jessie Marcel, the local air base meteorological officer. He’d more than likely be in a Jeep. The ranch owner who reported the crash, I think was on horse back when he is said to have discovered it a day or so before.
Later vehicles would probably vary from Jeeps, Beeps, trucks, recovery gear etc. Airfix did a really good USAAF vehicle set not long back with a big lorry and tanker. Could maybe use that as a basis for a flatbed to put the saucer on?
It’s strange one because you can let your imagination run wild with the alien craft, but we’re sticklers for accuracy when it comes to the period military vehicles!

Incidentally, if anyone hasn’t seen it I recommend the movie Alien Autopsy. Very funny film!


I will stick to the Arsenal-M Willy´s Jeep. The area available for vehicle is 60 mm by 60 mm. The entire setting is just 230 mm by 150 mm.


Muss die HO sein? Es gibt 'ne Menge 1/72 Fahrzeuge.