USPS at it’s best…

Unfortunately this doesn’t surprise me in the least. My ex-wife’s entire family works for the USPS and it’s a union racket. This looks like somebody spilled their coffee on it and sent it along. They don’t care in the least because they can’t be disciplined. I’ve heard first hand accounts of purposely bending in half “Do not bend” packages, stepping on and throwing “Fragile” packages, having lawn chairs on the loading docks and spending the day reading other people’s magazines, taking two hour naps at home in the middle of their routes, purposely throwing packages into the wrong sorting bin so that they are sent to the wrong side of the country, and finally, a guy that came to work every day with a cooler full of beer in his car trunk and the whole PO would go out and drink their lunch with him. Their last concern is the mail or the people who send it.