Vietnam 60

Group Build Title: Vietnam 60

Group Build Leader(s): @michaelsatin

Group Build Description: A campaign remembering the 60th anniversary of the Vietnam War

Event Details: (Remember to click “Going” if you want to join the build!)
2 August, 1964 was the date of the (verifiable) Gulf of Tonkin Incident which triggered direct air and ground involvement by the United States in the ongoing conflict in Vietnam. 11 years later America’s longest war (up to that time) finally ended. This campaign is about modeling that war. Subjects of all types from all belligerents will be accepted, including from before US involvement. The campaign will run from 2 August, 2024, through 2 April, 2025.

Completion Award: [add info about possible award badge here - see help threads for more info]

A Note about Awards: The following text is a reminder that in order for people participating and finishing their projects to receive a badge on their forum profile, they will need to provide their account username to the group build leader by the completion date of the build. The leader will then provide this list to the site admin who will bulk award the badges to those users who have finished the group build. If you don’t provide your username or finish the project on the timetable the leader has setup you will not be able to receive an award.


I’ll join, probably with an M41 in ARVN colours…

or an M48A3 during Tet


Hmmmm very interesting. Dates will be tough personally but who knows…

I have a Da Nang “Big Eye” Starfighter already, but might take the opportunity to buy a Huey.

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If I can grab the dumper from AFV, I would like to join with a gun truck!!

Count me in.
Got plenty in the stash, so I’ll decide on what a bit closer to the start date.

Nice campaign. It gives me a reason to build an Aussie Centurion that has been lurking in my stash


i have a good collection of vietnam era kits and this has a good time line as well so i am in for sure!

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Not sure what I will build for this, but being that I model mostly Vietnam War subjects, I am sure I will have many choices.


If I can find out a little more about them, I might go with this Australian Cessna I picked up a few days ago.


I’m working on a 48 Tamiya phantom now. I’m thinking it’s going to take me 9 months to get all the stencils on it. I might do another one and I’m wondering whether to ask for more time for the build right up front, OR, is it okay if the kit is built and painted and it still takes me 9 months to put the stencils on it??? :upside_down_face:

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Definitely interested but also committed to an IDF campaign. Just finished an M48A3 ModB. Perhaps I see an M113 AC in my future.

I hear ya. I built the GWH F-15B a few years back and OMG. They just stenciled the maintenance manual all over the airplane.

Anyway, you go for it and we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Michael :israel: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks. It’s a bit of a problem. I have a number of 1/48 jets already in the stash. I feel like I should build them before I get another one of these. But this is such a nice kit…

Count me in. I’ll make a USMC M48A3 in Hue.

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I ordered some decals for Marine phantoms that were at Da Nang in '65 - keeping with the anniversary theme.

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Mooching around the internet last night, I saw that Dora Wings have recently issued their Peacemaker in Air America colours. Might be an interesting one to showcase the more clandestine side of the war. Anyone have experience with these kits before I part with cash?


I have an M67 flame tank in the stash so with it being the only USMC afv I have then I’m in with it.

Cajun :crocodile:


I am in. Endless possibilities. Right now I am thinking something that flies in SEA camo and in South Vietnamese markings. :slightly_smiling_face:


once i clear the bench i will figure out what i want build.

i was planning on building a “Father & Son” diorama, the idea was to showcase a piece military hardware that could have been used by two different generations. i then thought about it as a campaign but i still need to work out the details.


What’s in the box


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