Decided to place these in one thread per request. If this should be located elsewhere hopefully a moderator will move accordingly.
All reviews are my opinion based on my build experience.
Kits are rated on ten considerations between 0 and 5. Higher numbers are better, with 50 points best score.
Generally, I view kits that score 46 or higher as top tier. Kits that score 40 or better are excellent and enjoyable to build. Kits that score in the 30’s have deficiency but are still worth building in some circumstances. Kits that score under 30 are lacking in multiple areas and generally unworthy of consideration if an alternative exists given today’s high, quality offerings.
Only items paid for by me are reviewed.
Others may very well draw different conclusions.
Tamiya 1/35 M26 Pershing #35254
5 Price ~$43, May,2024 via Amazon Prime shipped to the door, $53 plus shipping
5 Instructions - Clear and concise. Very understandable. High quality.
4 Molding Quality - kit released in 2002 and mine showed a bit of flash on a few parts plus a couple of sink marks. The kit was outstanding when released. Cast texture on hull and turret is excellent.
5 Plastic Quality - High quality, slightly harder than some popular manufacturers these days. Zero issues with Tamiya Extra Thin Quick Set. Sanded, cut and snipped as expected.
4 Parts Clean Up - The kit is well engineered for easy parts clean up. There are mold seams to remove but these are easy to remove with the back of a hobby knife blade.
4 Ease of build - Goes together without issues or drama. Gluing the two halves of the gun barrel together and the muzzle brake (outside & inside seams) removing the seams is the most difficult part of the build. The working suspension adds some extra but manageable complexity. The suspension seemed like 2/3 of the build.
4 Accuracy - I don’t have references for this vehicle. It looks like a M26. It’s my understanding there a reinforcement braces at the rear the final drive that are appropriate for an M26A1 not an M26. Likewise, external stowage items provided don’t look appealing.
5 Fit - Everything fits as it should without hassle.
2 Doesn’t Require Aftermarket The decals look thick, I ordered aftermarket. The tracks really look soft in detail. I’ve see the glueable Tamiya rubber band tracks look more appealing in several other kits. I ordered white metal tracks. The M2 .50 cal machine gun really shows it’s age in my opinion. Likewise, ordered a replacement. The antenna mounts and .30 bow MG would also benefit from upgrade parts.
4 Details built Out of the Box - When new this kit would have been a very good out of the box build.
42 points out of 50
42/50 => 84%
Highly Recommended!
(Feel free to add 10% when no one’s looking because its an American Tiger Tamer.)