What are you going to get done this weekend?

The best laid plans of mice and men. No plan survives contact with the enemy. :grin: :grin:

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Commercial kit or selling Master, if someone is interesting.

I hope to finish my Stug iii B and Sho’t Kal Dalet… as well as record ep.1 of MMP! (Shameless plus)

MMP is a podcast made by modelers for modelers about armored vehicle history. Our first episode is on the T-14 Assult tank.


More work on the Mirage F1 for the Made in France campaign.
Hopefully get it ready for some paint.

Either finish my Accurate Miniatures Mustang or start my next project. We’ll see what happens.

Hoping to finish the Polar Lights 1/1000 U.S.S. Enterprise with Botany Bay, Klingon D-7 battlecruiser, Romulan Bird of Prey TOS, U.S.S. Grissom and Klingon Bird of Prey, the AMT 1965 Pontiac GTO convertible, and hopefully getting primer on my Pz III Tauchpanzer.

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@brekinapez You’ll have to post some photos of the Star Trek ships when they’re finished.
Did you have any troubles with the decals? I seem to have real problems with them cracking in the newer releases.

I have the 1/350 Grissom on pre-order. Just waiting for them to land on our side of the pond.

I am hoping they will be trouble-free. I had zero problems with the decals on the 1/350 K’Tinga. I am on the fence about the Grissom. It is relatively cheap, but on the other hand I am saving to get the pod bay and cockpit upgrades for the Moebius 1/144 Discovery XD-1.

I am not going too extravagant with these kits so getting within the 3-foot range will reveal flaws but I will compare the Enterprise to the one I built in 2006 (the 2003 release) so you can see I took a little more care this time. I put most of my effort in the larger scale ships, the 1/1000 kits are just a cool way to compare scales.

I have the 1/350 Millennium Falcon to size compare with the 1/350 Star Trek kits, and the 1/1000 Blockade Runner to do likewise with the 1/1000 Star Trek. As I also have the Falcon in 1/144 and 1/72 I can compare other scales as well. The Falcon is quite big in relation to the Discovery.

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I hope they work out for you.
The last one I did, the reissued AMT Romulan BoP, the decals broke it hundreds of pieces the second they came off the sheet. I had similar issues with the TMP Vulcan Shuttle. Ended up having to get the JTgraphics replacement (at great expense) to finish the BoP. That sheet was beautiful and worked really well. I have a couple of JT sheets for some projects. A Runabout and two original boxing Reliants. One will be converted to the Saratoga as seen in the DS9 pilot. I think I have their Enterprise D sheet too. I really need to check my decal stash!
I’m hoping that the decals have improved in more recent kits.
I had to get the Grissom when I saw it. Always thought the Oberth class a cool design.

I’d love to get more of the new Bandai Star Wars kits, they look brilliant. The Blockade Runner has been high on my wish list for decades. I even tried scratch building a tiny one to fit in the bay of Ertls Star Destroyer back in the 90’s.

Hoping to get Cap America, Iron man, Cap Marvel, Vision and Winter Soldier built and hopefully primed. These are wargame figures for a game called Marvel Crisis Protocol. Also try and base coat a Star Wars Firespray-31 for the X-wing game, changing its colour scheme from Slave-1 to Kath Scarlets Marauder.
Had my first trial game yesterday which I enjoyed.

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Someone is starting the long tumble down the tabletop mini rabbit hole.

Don’t worry been there a long time with Games Workshop stuff but never had access to any one playing any other system until by chance finding a gaming shop not that far away with a nice friendly crowd. So picked up Star Wars Legion then was introduced to Star Wars X-wing of which I’ve had a couple of game, miniatures for X-wing come pre-painted but quite well done however that doesn’t stop you repainting them to represent other ships of the same class in the game.
Then I just played my first game of Marvel Crisis Protocol where you build a team of super heroes/villains to complete missions against an opponent who’s trying to complete those same missions. Also got Blood Red Skies a WWII/Korea air combat game but not had a chance to play that or paint the aircraft.

Guess what, unlike Games Workshop the rules are a free download from the publishers website including when they do any updates.

After finishing my girlfriends furniture, hope to finishing my and N/AW A-10A (Weathering + post Cockpit detailing)


Those look great already!

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They do look stunning :smile:

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Thank you @phil2015 & @litespeed,
but the birds are just too damn clean! (more like, I’m itching to try some weathering skills, since I’m still a scrub at that ^^’)
But there are a lot of gr8 builds in this thread, love it!

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I do understand none of my projects are aircraft, but I am a bit stalled on my several projects and I am trying to clear the dust out, so to speak, from building a dozen Pz III kits simultaneously. On hiatus I have a Trumpeter Me 262, the Revell Spitfire IIa, a Hasegawa Type 52, and a Cyber Hobby E-4.