What are you reading

Finished, Violence Girl Alice Bag
Connects a lot of dots regarding the players of the Punk Rock scene of that era.

Now just started:

Kind Nepenthe, Matthew V. Brockmeyer
So far it reads like a horror movie in the wooded mountains of Humboldt County


Just finished this Friday on the plane in time for their Friday night gig in Brisbane with Social Distortion, memorable evening, my voice hasn’t returned yet and my head it’s still foggy… :woozy_face: :beers:

I liked the book very much, it can be read in one go, but I’m biased, it’s my favorite band ever.


Bad Religion with Social D?? Must have been a good show. I’ve never seen either live, yet


Awesome night, the outdoor venue it’s special, i seen NOFX there few years a go,my first time whit Social D. …love it,i seen the Bad Religion countless times in the last 30 years and they are always great :+1:


Wow, even the photo is loud. :grinning:


Inspiring name, makes me want to start a tribute band called “Lukewarm Religious Dogma” or similar!

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That is a good point. F’instance, I am ‘reading’ (thru headphones) A Higher Calling. Describing life in a bomber the book says that the cold sky was only separated from the crew by aircraft skin “of only a few centimeters.” More egregious is the referring to the Bf 109G-6’s Beule (bumps), it incorrectly states the bumps were for the supercharger instead of the breaches of the MG 131. Nothing that discredits the book for me. Who made the mistakes, though?


Currently reading this one for a book review for Casemate Publishers.


have you watch the tv series “Black Sails” i tbink you might like that as well, if you like pirates.

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I haven’t watched the series, but it’s funny that you mentioned it as that series is mentioned in the book. I do enjoy pirate history so I will have to check it out.

Thank you,



I saw you listed Dual Under the Stars and I assume that’s the night fighter-bomber command war? I read this book 20 years ago, from April 4th through October the 3rd 2003. ( I always record in my books when I start them and when I finish them. Weird I know but it makes me happy.). I knew the ref took severe losses but I didn’t realize how bad it was for a lot of the war.


Not really reading,nearly 500 pages with photographs,the most of american but also the german tanks of the time.Very good book,part 2 still ordered


What am I reading? I’ve got several irons in the fire right now. I finally figured out my system of paper books, audio books, and YouTube movies that I can actually sit down and call the book in my hands, I read physical books. Or ebooks. I do not read fast and reading relaxes me, so physical books I do not progress with. Fortunately, now have audio books. When I have an internet connection, I listen to YouTube books. Right now I’m listening to Eastern Inferno, the diary of a German Panzerjager from the beginning of Barbarossa through 1943. It was translated with one of those computerized translator so it sounds awful with a few words that get lost in the translation but anybody who’s read books a couple times figure it out. I am about 35 minutes into it, which is about day 3 of Barbarossa. There’s about 8 hours to go. When I do not have internet, I’ve discovered Libby, and I listen to audiobooks I actually download on my phone. That’s great for when I’m walking the dog and driving running errands. Really nothing I want to listen to on the radio anymore. Currently listening to A Higher Calling about Franz Stiegler and Charlie Brown battling over Europe. Recently listened to Spearhead, also by Adam Mako.and before that, I listen to The Biggest Brother about Major Winters.

And when I don’t have anything better to do - insane laughter - I’m slowly translating the German language book about the Model Bahn, the railroad that runs through the Mosel valley of Germany.

By and large I’m having a good time. And now with the audio publications, I’m enjoying more subjects that I ever have. Mainly because I have so little time to just sit down and do anything. But here’s a bummer, or not. Recently I found a web article asking how many books will you read before you die? They use social security administration actuary tables. Then they categorize readers by weak readers, casual readers, all the way up to like uber super awesome speed readers. There’s fudge factors in there that they acknowledge but generally, look at your actuary table, figure out how much longer you’ll live, and then based on the type of reader you are, it tells you what you can expect. According to it, I have about 270 more books in my future. Sounds like a lot.




Ok I’ve put down the Operation Watchtower book as I couldn’t deal with the errors, in its place is the book from James Holland.



in this thread, you are expected to read a real book, we’ll have none of that silly internet nonsense here thank you very much ROFL


Sounds like you are a prolific reader! :+1:

It would be shocking to know how many American’s have never read ONE entire book in their whole lives…and are PROUD of it.


Woooooooo…me likes!

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:grin: Wait-a-minute, all of us americans have read a book of matches, a cereal box, and the back of a consumer product package to see if it was “American Maid”