Two racing movies. James Garner Grand Prix and Steve McQueen Le Mans.
These movies were mentioned in the book as they were filmed at the height of the Racing Craze in the early 1960s.
Jack the Ripper, never caught, right? Like the Zodiac Killer… Very interesting
Nope, never caught. Several suspects, lots of theories, but never any actual…“That’s him”. One of the suspects was hung for unrelated crimes and there is the rumor that right before he dropped from the gallows he supposedly said, “I am Jack the…”. He wasn’t able to finish what he started to say
I became interested in Jack the Ripper many years ago when I was in high school after watching a program on HBO called “Whodunit? The Greatest Unsolved Mysteries”. It discussed Jack the Ripper, Lizzy Borden, The Zodiac Killer, The Hall-Mills Murders and others.
Fancied a break and saw a review for this. It’s definitely escapism, so good I’m almost at the end of the second book in the series.
After reading the overview on this book, I put all three on my Kindle.