Your KET-T was what brought me back here while I was researching it and before I started on the KET-T I ended up building. Your build thread was also how discovered Star Bond super glues.
So basically, my being here is all your fault.
Anyhow, after being inspired by our own mad scientist @justsendit , I coiled a bunch of evergreen channel and angle pieces around a hole transfer punch, clamped it and tossed it into some very hot water in a Tupperware dish.
This was what it looked like after it cooled. (These remind me of the centering spring found in Harley Davidson 5 speed transmissions)
This took longer than I care to admit.
“Why are you wasting my time with this stuff, Al?” You might be asking….
So here’s where I am:
All this nonsense ate up a sizable portion of the morning and I still have some trimming to complete, but what else do I have to do?