Anthony, thank you. The Pz IV is looking good and coming along nicely! Hatches open rocks!
Decal result, percent credit to the excellence of MicroScale decals with their Micro-Set & Micro-Sol.
Anthony, thank you. The Pz IV is looking good and coming along nicely! Hatches open rocks!
Decal result, percent credit to the excellence of MicroScale decals with their Micro-Set & Micro-Sol.
I’m looking for a fairly basic load for a pretty complicated project (M125 towing an M127 on an M365 dolly). I think I saw a new Shelter from ICM - maybe? in the new product section of this site. Can anyone tell me its identity and if it would “fit” era and size-wise on the trailer?
Thanks Folks
I am assuming you mean Vietnam era? if so, these are what you want.
I also think the ICM shelter you are referring to is this one, which is a Cold War, Soviet-era one.
Thanks Gino. The one I saw was a longer item, a little like an inverted boat hull.
Maybe I dreamed it!
ETA Like this one.
That looks more like it, but this one was in a post, showing it loaded on a truck or trailer of some kind.
Thanks for looking Gino.
ETA Stupid me. It was actually a ComBloc pontoon from Hobby Link.
Damn fine idea Al, got one in the stash.
AK RC NATO green….
Still out gassing…
Yes haters, these are vinyl tracks. I’d sooner castrate myself with rusty pinking shears than build any individual link Leopard tracks.
Builds up nice, too. Lots of interior work shop do-dads.
Only downside in my evil plan (cue evil laughter…. Mwa ha ha! or whatever) is the M127 is a Real Model product, not the new on from Hobby Link. . Ever built/seen one of these RM ones built up?
Other than some HETT upgrade stuff, no.
I do have one of the RM wrecker conversions in the stash somewhere, but I can’t remember which one.
I don’t remember any real issues with the HETT cab stuff and wheels.
I have helped him with things, including the M1070 Armored cab, which I work on intermettently. Quality products. Build with confidence.
Thanks 18 Bravo. I just remember some of his earlier stuff was a little crude when compared to more modern items -M813 conversion eg.
I sold most of my RM stuff to Wanamaker.
Never know anyone to be that excited about link track before.
Show me on the doll where the Leopard tracks hurt you, Al.
(Al points to the head.)
Here is the BR 52 after a thin wash of yellow-brown the blend the camo, a thicker wash of Vallejo’s wash for grey vehicles on the lower portions, and the little bits and noticeable mistakes hit with more paint. Markings are also on; I took the swastikas from a pair of surplus DAK markings from some old Tamiya kit, as Trumpeter portrays them as solid rectangles. The whites don’t quite match (the Tamiyas are 30+ years old lol) but an overall pinwash/dusting once today’s effort is dry should fix that. I still need to pick up some charcoal bits to put over the molded coal, which will also provide pigment for dirtying up the cabin appropriately.
I am going to hit it with sealer over the weekend and then do the pin wash and add the effects associated with being a steam locomotive and call it a day.
Although in reality the valve handles likely would have painted over by camo I kept them red just because I like the look of that and in all fairness would an Allied plane circling overhead really see a knob the width of a hand in the middle of a forest even if it was red? I’m no expert, but I feel the camo was more to hide the train while at rest or at least make it harder to spot at distance. Fairly certain that once the train was in motion no amount of camouflage was really going to cover the smoke coming out of it, or the fact that this long, skinny camo thing was following a known rail route. In either case, red valve handles are low on the list of concerns methinks.