What did you do in your modeling workshop today?

Its all in the details!!


I felt the need of a break from my 1/35 MAZ 537 Transporter (it’s big!) so have been trying my newly acquired (secondhand) Iwata HP SB plus on some 1/72 Japanese WWII AFV’s that I’m building. The larger Hull is the IBG Type 1 Chi-He Medium Tank, and the smaller is the IBG Type 94 Tankette. The two tanks do have different colours and schemes to each other!




This one shows how small the Type 94 is compared to a 1/72 Light Tank Mk VI.


Extremely pleased with this airbrush in terms of its ability to achieve fine spray.

The smaller Type 94 still needs some yellow lines applied between some of the base colours, so just trying to work out if I can spray those freehand or mask them!


That BR 52 looks great.

The red looks appropriate to me and I think you could probably get away with lightly dry brushing some copper or brass color on a few of the steam and oil lines to give the impression of paint wearing/burning off.

Paint booth action in the bunker this morning-


Camo down on the Ferdi and started chipping.


Thanks for the reply, and yes some wear and tear was in the plan – the “effects associated with being a steam locomotive” I mentioned, which also means soot and presumably staining from steam and water spillage/contact.

Strangely enough, I saw a video online of resistance fighters sabotaging a rail line and not a BR 52 but another engine went over the side of an embankment and it was kind of sick watching flatcar after flatcar of vehicles go down the embankment after it. Worst was seeing a few soldiers in the open-top vehicles hanging on for dear life knowing they weren’t going to survive that impact. Bad day at Six Flags.


John Frankenheimer’s The Train is a great railway sabotage movie- although all of the rolling stock is French.

No CGI, no models. All the locomotives were wrecked for real- even the switching yard that was bombed as “The Train” left the yard was due for demolition and rebuilding so Frankenheimer’s team blew it up for real.

Great movie and you’ve got a great build going there.

picture for discussion only


There’s nothing wrong with vinyl tracks for me, Al! All my Leos (I have 6 built) and others have them. Your Leguans look great so far. :+1:

But I have also some other kits in stash with individual track links. So sooner or later I have to bite the bullet … :smile:


Good quality rubber bands like the AFV Club ones are great. The amount of time I’ve spent on the indi-link tracks for my M9 is a real question for me. They will sag nicely but still………

I know it’s a controversial topic but…………


Random stuff today…

Eureka tow cables based coated for the Panther.

Finished slapping together that pig in a poke of a Tamiya Centaur ($5) that was paint stripped. Only rear half of loaders hatch proved missing. Will have to address that later.

Started clean punch marks on the new Tamiya Leopard 2A7V’s tracks.


I want to try MERDC camo, with this as the M127’s load. Would the load and camo be appropriate to the Vietnam era\ period of the pod’s service?

Al’s idea of an M109 appeals, but dammit I just bought that Workshop trailer for it by HobbyLink.

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Load would work, but MERDC was post-Vietnam in the later '70s.


Base coats are pretty much done. These are gonna be weird looking things. And I’m out of parts- these are the leftovers.


More progress on the M1150. The launcher top covers are installed. One stowed - one deployed.


Once again, those SPECOP types just can’t leave well enough alone. Did we ever definitively establish what the load was? I see that you may have added that photo of the pontoons. I don’t recall it being on the post originally. When you said “inverted boat hull” pontoons are the first thing that came to mind. I did post a bunch a of photos from Fort McCoy of them on a trailer a few years ago but I’m almost certain that’s not what you are referring to. If you are indeed going with something similar that shop van container, and you have it being towed to or from an SF fire base, you could certainly apply camouflage to it.

Not MERDC above, but very cool nonetheless. It almost looks like a precursor to it.


Egg planes great fun to be had. Like your idea of matching life size paint scheme.


Go for it. It’s fun.

Winter Verdant on a Tamiya M60A3 TTS.

Grey Desert on a Tamiya M151A2 1/4 ton with TOW launcher.

All of it was hand-painted, just because. Paints used on the M60A3 were AK Interactive REAL COLOR acrylics and on the Mutt, i used Tamiya Wooden Deck Tan and painted the patter with AK Interactive’s new Acrylic Paint Markers.


Still pondering the load, the Skycrane shelter going on the M127 appeals. I did an ETA for that pontoon although as I noted it was a ComBloc item, it’d be nice to see a US version as a load. Yes, that camo looks nice, but so does the Grey desert scheme. Given the scope (for my work rate) of this proposed project I’ll probably just put a basic load “under hoops” in the M125.

Reynier, I really like that Desert Grey, youve done a lovely job. This project will be a bit out of my normal field of interest, being non-ODS era. I’ll be going there again at some point as I’ve got an M123/M870 in mind. Cheers.

Gino, thanks for that info. I’ll go with a late ‘70’s rig in MERDC. Likely with that M8A1 shelter on the M127. I think it’ll be a fun project and will occupy alot of 2025 for me. Apparently, warping is an issue with the M125 frame but a more skilled builder has overcome this with judicious use of a razor saw. On we go.

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Reworking Trumeter T-62 engine deck. Shout out to @KurtLaughlin for his T-62 blog over on Track -Link for analyzing photos to parse out the finer points between versions.


I like to use Vallejo model colour and air these days after years of Humbrol but I wanted to go acrylic. The yellow I used is Deep Yellow 70.915

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Weathered & installed tow cables today.