What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Has fun with that TUA Piotr. It’s an absolute dinosaur of a kit, and it’s lacking in some detail, but with some TLC it’ll build up quite nicely.

I hope :wink:

Some Zvezda kits added to my stash:

Some Quinta Studio decals for these kits are underway.
The vehicles will bear Z,V and O markings,



Will they be burned? :wink:


:thinking: No :wink:


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Burned also means weathered hey Angel :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nice haul.

Not quite from today, but a precious memory of my collaboration with AFV CLUB.

A genuine AFV Club windbreaker.


Not delivered - but picked up. Our annual swap and sell was held today. Managed to get a few bargains.

Cost 1/4 of the current retail price…

Paper panzer:

A tad more modern.

Couldn’t resist an old Matchbox kit where everything is there and in good order…

and something to dress up my ASLAV-R for the 8 wheeler campaign:

A bit for my Resin fix…

Lastly a Wingy thingy Matchbox Westland Lysander 1/32nd scale. I so wanted one of these in my youth. It was passed over as it was in a plain box with a small lable. No decals or instructions, but at the miniscule selling price, I had to have it.


Nice haul.

As you probably already looked up, Revell reboxed the kit.

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Way ahead of you Ryan. But thanks anyway.

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Well, a bit more on Scrooge; I wasn’t quite sure where to post these but then again, it’s really a continuation perhaps of the initial rummaging through the package, and I certainly don’t intend to start this just yet with any kind of build log. So, first off, a view of the major components:

with a little bit of reference material at the back, not that there’s that much within - info on this beast is pretty sparse. The resin is well cast, no bubbles or warping that I can discern, and well-detailed; pour blocks in some cases are substantial so lots of careful sawing ahead.

Some of the smaller components still packaged such as suspension/wheels, gantry pieces for the launcher arms, the stabilising jacks for the rear, a set of Friuls (2 x actually needed and these are JS-3 ones, which I intend to replace with T-10 ones; I don’t mind the need to buy these given the bargain price I obtained) some etch, and a card template to facilitate construction of the chassis. Within that same package is a spool of nylon line to replicate all the trunking along the missile’s length but I can foresee that being quite a pain to work with so I may have to rethink that when I get to it - lead wire perhaps? Hmmm.

Now the missile tube itself, with a hastily Blu-tak’d figure at the bottom for size comparison. And again:

The missile tupe appears to be in white plastic, in 2 halves but joined together with a prominent seam; I don’t think there’s any merit in breaking it open (to re-glue) as it may shatter - I don’t quite know how long this one has been in existence so it may be brittle; I can see lots of filler and sanding ahead!

And I couldn’t resist roughing out the model - well, sort of - with a view to how it, hopefully, will look, again, sort of:

Hopefully this will be of interest to those who asked for a closer look; and if anyone out there has built one already, let me know - I think this might be a challenge!


Thank you! After you glue this model, you will have to think about increasing the area of your housing, it will need to be placed somewhere. :smile:

So true!

Nice haul Angel … I dont think that Pantsir has been fielded in Ukraine yet … I was going to finish mine as a Z wagon, but all the images I could find were newer versions thats why I went with the sand finish in the end :slightly_frowning_face:

The first model I’ve ever built - actually finished it on 23rd of January 2022 :grin:
Did not think that the hobby will be so fun and did not paint it, also made some mistakes.
So… I’m giving myself a second chance :grin:


Serious shopping! How’s the figurines ??

Like BMR 3M very much!
T-90 will be Syrian :grin:


I’m not the right person to ask - it will be my first time working with resin. Anyway - they look like very well made, details are much crispier than the plastic figures for board games I’ve worked until now.

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Yeah, they clearly mis-read the design brief - it called for a missile to reach the target, not a missile long enough to touch the target! :grin:


That’s very good, very good Tom. I must admit when I review the video (see above) of the Scrooge trundling along, there’s those aerial shots which, being tarped, make it look like some sauropod plodding along in search of, well, whatever sauropods eat, but you know, that sort of monstrous intent and purpose is well portrayed, in my ever fertile mind of course.